Going low during the night

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have gone low to 3.9 , what is the best food etc to bring levels to a recommended level at night ?
often if i go low its about this time or maybe about 3am.
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hi han,

best thing to have is something fast acting - so lucozade, orange juice, jelly babies. it's recommended to have roughly 15g of carbs, wait 15 mins then test again to make sure you have come up. it's also recommended to have some slow-releasing carbs once your levels are above 4, eg a slice of toast or a biscuit (although some people choose not to - you'll work out what's best for you over time).

3am is the natural time to go low - i know that if i'm going to go low at any time during the night, it'll be between 3 and 4!
Have a bottle of lucozade or some juice quick at hand. Liquids get into the system faster than something like dextrose (fyi i avoid them like the plague...not enough fast acting carbs). Some people have a biscuit (not chocolate!) too to help steady levels but I find that its too much - just c15-20g of carbs will see me right - usually in the form of a carton of juice
Hi Han

I keep a tub of glucotabs and a packet of nice biscuits next to my bed so I can treat night-type hypos without having to get up, so hopefully get back to sleep quickly and dont disturb my OH
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