Going Abroad with a Pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Do you take your pump when you go to a hot country & if so how do you go on with the insulin?
We always go self catering so I put the insulin I'm not using in the fridge. I tend to avoid lying in the sun and haven't had a problem with the insulin that's in my pump: I think it tends to get quite warm next to my body anyway so not sure outside temperature makes a lot of difference (mind you I don't go to places where the temperature is over 37 so that could make a difference!)
Have a lovely time.
Thank you Radders. I'm not going on holiday I'm just asking lots of questions because I'm considering going on a pump. A DSN who has very kindly been coming from the hospital & attending my last few D appointments together with the practice nurse who looks after my diabetes thinks that I would meet the criteria for a pump. I've been injecting (MDI) for 24 years. A small part of me thinks am I better off staying with injections & my insulin pens.
I have a Frio bag to keep the insulin which is not in use in between fridge availability. A small cooler bag is also useful and is quite acceptable going through customs. Never had a problem as long as I keep it in my hand luggage. On long flights the air hostess will put it in the fridge and you have to remember to ask for it when leaving. Wherever you decide to go have a great time. Let nothing stop you. Syl
No problem at all. I have been travelling to the tropics for years and for long periods (five or six months at a time). I've done it on MDI and with the pump and I know which I prefer! The insulin in the pump is fine (it's only out of the fridge for a few days after all), and I've never had the need to take any special measures to keep the pump cool even when the temperature is heading for the 40's. I've tried the Frio thingies and they don't seem to make any difference as far as I can tell.

I keep the insulin vials in the fridge until I'm ready to go to the airport. Then put them in an insulated cool bag for the flight, and then back in a fridge on arrival at whatever destination I heading for. I did a round-the-world trip over five months last year taking all my stuff with me from the Australian outback to the jungle of Costa Rica and the Caribbean tropics, and there was no discernible change in the insulin activity despite 14 flights, including several overnight ones.

The world's a wonderful place - go out there and enjoy the experience!
I have found two things - firstly after the first 12 hours in extra heat my insulin needs dive and stay down for varying lengths of time so you just have to stick TBRs on and keep testing and secondly that although a vial in the Combo lasted me around 10 days - in extra heat it would only last a maximum of 6 days, so I just used to half fill it. We've always travelled with a fridge since pumping, but I still have my Frios to keep the insulin in, if we weren't.
I have found two things - firstly after the first 12 hours in extra heat my insulin needs dive and stay down for varying lengths of time so you just have to stick TBRs on and keep testing and secondly that although a vial in the Combo lasted me around 10 days - in extra heat it would only last a maximum of 6 days, so I just used to half fill it. We've always travelled with a fridge since pumping, but I still have my Frios to keep the insulin in, if we weren't.

Yes, I forgot to mention that bit about insulin requirements changing. But for me, it's a bit unpredictable - sometimes I need less and sometimes more. Rather than apply a TBR, I copy over my current basal profile and apply an across the board plus or minus 10%. When I had the Combo I always changed the reservoir after 6 days, and now with the Medtronic I change every 3 days. Interestingly, a Medtronic rep recently told me that they recommend changing the reservoirs at 3 days because their research has shown that insulin interacts with the plastic of the reservoirs if left for longer. It must be unique to the plastic that Madtronic uses I guess.
Been to Asia on a motorbike & camping. No electric no fridge 2wks no problems. 🙂 A few crossings of time zones o_O
I was supposed to change every 6 days - Roche tell us it's plastic from the tubing - but I didn't notice any difference at all to my control and as I loathe filling reservoirs (when I first had the Combo, it brought all the horrific memories of using syringes back, I mean I'm entirely capable of doing it - but after all the years with pens - I simply never realised before how utterly vile I always found that bit! - cos I mean, you couldn't allow yourself the indulgence of finding it so - soo - dunno what the words are. Just seems maybe it 'medicalises' you, draws my own attention that I have this serious 'thing' wrong with my health - instead of me just being me and entirely normal ?

Anyway - that's why I leapt at the chance of an Insight asap, when I could have had another Combo if I'd wanted! Insight is 6 days again, but as a cartridge lasts me about 5+ days - it all gets changed then as it's just easier.
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