Can anyone tell me if they have taken there child abroad since being diabetic
Yes, once when she was 9. (Not since as we found out she’s autistic and doesn’t like holidays!)
The basic tips are:
1. Work out how much of everything they will need and take at least double the amount
2. Split it between two people’s bags if possible, in case one gets lost
3. If you are flying, NEVER pack insulin in your suitcase, it will freeze in the aeroplane hold and then won’t work when it thaws out again
4. If the child is on a pump you may need a letter from your DSN explaining that it can’t go through x-ray machines or body scanners. Be aware GPs will charge for such a letter, hospital diabetes nurses usually don’t
5. Even if not on a pump, some people say it’s a good idea to have a copy of the prescription and/or a letter from GP or DSN explaining why you’ve got all the medical equipment. However many people say they’ve never needed to produce it, most airport staff are used to seeing diabetic people
6. Be prepared for some blood sugar disruption, they are out of routine, excited, depending on where you’re going temperatures may vary quite a lot from at home, etc etc. You’ll have to play it by ear and adjust things accordingly. Try not to get stressed though, it can be done! Above all, enjoy yourselves
But as
@Inka said, you may get more responses if you start your own thread