God and diabetes

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Why did god give me type 1 diabetes?

I can’t speak for other world faiths, but from a Christian perspective, He didn’t.

A more complex question might be why He didn’t heal you of your diabetes when you prayed earnestly and faithfully for it.

If you’d like a Christian perspective on that you might find ‘God on Mute - Engaging the silence of unanswered prayer” by Peter Grieg helpful.

You might also want to approach a local faith-based organisation close to you who may be able to pray with you, offer their perspective and support, and answer your questions based on their beliefs.

This probably isn’t a great topic for the forum as people’s perspectives on faith, and experiences of it can vary widely (and sometimes extremely painfully).

To reduce the risk of upset and offence it may unintentionally cause to other members I’m going to lock it. I hope you understand.
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