Glucose Tolerance Test

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Old Holborn

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Been and given blood for my yearly review. Asked the nurse if I was in for a GTT. No, but everything else. Told her about the problems I'm having arranging an appointment for it. She checked my records and asked what medication I'm taking. Told her none and diet control leads a lot to be desired. To which she replied "Going by your past results I'm surprised you haven't been tested".

Yearly review on 9 Feb, my pleasent deposition will be deeply buried 😡😡😡
What would the glucoe tolerence test change about your treatment? Sorry you may have already said somewhere else and I've forgotton.

It is good that you will have your blood test results when you go for your appointment. I've been to appointments and had the blood drawn then, can't ever get the most out of those appointments because I am going on old results.
Been and given blood for my yearly review. Asked the nurse if I was in for a GTT. No, but everything else. a lot to be desired. To which she replied "Going by your past results I'm surprised you haven't been tested".

If you have been officially diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetes by other means, you surely do not need a another diagnostic test, which is what the OGTT is. If you haven't been officially dxed it will tell you whether you have IFG, IGT or Type 2 diabetes ( or none of above).
But they are time consuming and expensive - hence the reluctance ?
If you have been officially diagnosed as Type 2 Diabetes by other means, you surely do not need a another diagnostic test, which is what the OGTT is. If you haven't been officially dxed it will tell you whether you have IFG, IGT or Type 2 diabetes ( or none of above).
But they are time consuming and expensive - hence the reluctance ?

Diagnosed by GP who did a spot check with a meter which read 11.2 just over one hour after midday meal.

And it was the DD and DN who suggested the GTT.
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Two random readings over 11.1 indicate Type 2 Diabetes.

haveyou had any more over 11.1 ?

you can have a go at a D.I.Y. Ogtt ....
here's a site on it ...

its more usual to use 75 ml of lucozade in Britain.

GP and DN always spot check me, never had a double reading since the first one. For the life of me can't remember what I had for Dinner that day. Dinner is my midday meal.
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