Glucose testing

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Joan Jones

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have received a letter from my doctor to say that testing can only be once a week due to cost to the practice. Someone else from the same practice has been refused strips altogether. Have other people had this experience and is there anything we can do about it?
The test strips cost twenty five pounds per tub because I recently tried to buy some.
what a world we live in when everything comes down to money:(
not that i would encourage it... but i've seen them for sale on ebay! lol!
i've never been refused test strips and i test about 4 times a day. diabetes uk had something going on about this, i remember reading it somewhere in the balance magazine. why dont you search it or give them a call?

That is absolutely outrageous - 😱 I would point out to the practice - the cost to them in the future if you develop complications and how short sighted they are being. Perhaps contact your NHS PCT?
I really am disgusted - I might go and do some research on this...

I do wonder why test strips are so expensive - after all they are not a new invention and am sure the people have developed them have recouped their costs by now.
I would ring or email the DUK careline, they are very good and helpful. Also complain to the practice officially, and to your PCT. I do think medical stuff like drugs and strips are ridiculously expensive. People complain about NICE, but I think that someone should take the drug companies to task over their prices. They seem to be holding the NHS to ransom when it has less money than ever (article in the Times today saying that due to the money given to the banks, the NHS would lose out next year and would not be able to use the surplus money it has saved).
THis rule only applied to type 2 diabetics, as it is essential for type 1's to test before each meal, every two hours when ill, and a variety of other interesting times (such as 3am when adjusting evening dose of background or suffering nigh hypos!). Perhaps an appointment with your doctor would clear things up, it's amazing how little training GP's get in diabetes management
I have received a letter from my doctor to say that testing can only be once a week due to cost to the practice. Someone else from the same practice has been refused strips altogether. Have other people had this experience and is there anything we can do about it?

I'm aware that some dotors try to discourage some people from testing too often, but once a week seems completely pointless as it's only a snapshot and no indication of how you've been doing throughout the week. I test at least 4 times a day, before meals and bed. I test additionally before and after exercise as this is the only way I can work out the pattern of my body's reaction to the activity, and whether I need to 'top-up' during a run, for example.

I do agree that the cost of strips seems excessive. The reason why the drug companies are happy to hand out free meters is so that you'll be tied to using their strips, where they then make all their money. I'd love to know what the mark-up is, and given the size of the market (with growing numbers of diagnoses), they must be laughing all the way to the bank. I've often wondered why the government/NHS can't have labs and manufacturing facilities for stuff like this - surely the principles must be patent-free?
Testing twicw a week,

I was tols when I found out I`m T2 last year that I could only test twicw a week, what use is that, Just had to but my own so I changed my meter to,
If I`m paying I will have my choise.
I think your doctor is mad expecting a diabetic to test their sugar levels once a week!! I am on an insulin pump. My GP agrees to blood test strips as often as I need them (I use about 6 - 8 per day!) and lots of other things as well. The GP has always been the same, even when I injected 5 times per day. Also, did you know that Glucotabs are available on prescription to treat your hypos now? Much better than that awful Hypostop!

Go back to your GP and make some demands. I don't believe it should vary that much from one area to another.

Good luck!!
If Joan Jones really has Type 1 diabetes (and hasn't just clicked the wrong box when registering on this website) then she definitely needs to discuss getting more strips than 1 per week - at that rate a box of 50 would last nearly a year, by which time, the last ones may have passed their expiry date.
At one of my last diabetic check ups I mentioned I tested about 2-3 times a day and was told that was far too much. Once again the Nurse mentioned cost - do you know they costs so much. You only need to test when you feel hypo or are ill she said.

Now the thing my BG has got to 2.9 before I have started to have 'symtoms', oeht times it can be just above 4.00. I don't like the fact we have to send our prescriptions up on a monthly basis now either, a complete waste of time and if they start limiting test strips there will be people who have no signs of a hypo having people call 999 for help!
never had any problems getting my bg testing strips. i have always been told to test 4 times a day on normal days and then increase when needed. just ordered more today too lol
never had any problems getting my bg testing strips. i have always been told to test 4 times a day on normal days and then increase when needed. just ordered more today too lol

A lot of medics differentiate between the types Mike, even in the same practice.

I have no probs, but am meticulous ref bs levels when driving. My companion has just been diagnosed and needs no tests! Same practice, different medic.

I dont understand how you can go a day without testing at all? Alex tests 4 times a day - sometimes more if there is a problem - and before a meal i think its essential to give us an idea of whats going on. If his level is more than 10 before a meal we increase his insulin - so how would we do it without the bg result? Seems crazy to me to deny a patient strips! I would make enquiries about it if i were you. Bev
Are we talking strips for blood sugar level testing? I thought the OP would be able to get them free being a Type 1?

I'm aware that some dotors try to discourage some people from testing too often, but once a week seems completely pointless as it's only a snapshot and no indication of how you've been doing throughout the week.
You might have seen me say this already but I went into my pharmacy and the pharmacist on duty told me I didn't need to test 4x a day. Quite annoyed me that. Kept thinking he isn't a doctor or DSN so shut up!
Im shocked by this. My GP increased my prescription last week so i didnt have to get so many repeats!!
How can we be expected to be limited the number of times we test?
We have to test pre meal to carb count. Before bed to check its not too low and if we drive before we do that. Not to mention exercise and hypo's!!
Do they think we like pricking our fingers so many times a day!
a type1 testing once a week!!!! lol yeah how will this doctor ever get that to work!!!! you need to test at least 4 time a day (i do 6-8 at the min). i have no problems with my doctors at all and feel that you should raise this with the practice manager joan as it could lead to dka if you dont keep control of your levels. not testing is like committing suicide for a diabetic as by testing we know how our levels are and if we need to adjust our dose of insulin. GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR THESE PEOPLE ARE FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely outrageous. My son tests 5-8 times a day. I can't imagine having any idea how to proceed without it. Even more infuriating because testing is actually the responsible way to behave -- and surely the powers that be want responsible people, who are taking every step to prevent further costs.

Lordy. Must get some air...
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