Glucose Revolution?

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At risk of diabetes
Hello I’m new to this. 80-year-old pre-diabetic trying to get the numbers down and lose weight. Just finished reading “The Glucose Revolution” and wondering what others make of it? Especially her recommendation of full-fat dairy products which I have been avoiding for years because I also have high cholesterol.
Welcome to forum @SeanAntrim

It’s not a book I have read, so I can’t comment I’m afraid. Various people have published their own takes on diabetes and food over the years, and very low carb, keto, or LCHF (low carb, high fat) advocates have been sharing their suggestions for decades.

There is a large volume of scientific evidence that links high cholesterol levels, and the consumption of saturated fats with cardio vascular risk. Personally I think there can be merit for different people in a variety of approaches to food, and I aim for a healthy balance between macro and micro nutrients, with moderation in all things as my general guide. That’s not advice… it’s just what I do.

We certainly have different members here who have found each of the approaches (low calorie, low carb, intermittent fasting etc etc) didn’t work for them, but another approach worked much better. So it seems to me that the most important thing is to find the approach that is sustainable and works for you and your body.

Diabetes UK have this helpful ‘enjoy food’ guide which covers a lot of ground:

and have also published a variety of different meal planners that show you can successfully adopt a variety of approaches from low calorie, to low carb, or mediterranean, veggie, and vegan.

I tend to be cautious of any suggestions at the outer edges of the conversation, because I don’t think I would find those so helpful myself.
Many of us here who follow a low carb way of eating, use full fat products (particularly dairy) and have found cholesterol levels actually reduced slightly. I was quite skeptical about eating more fat but in combination with low carb, it works really well for me and I feel fitter and healthier than I have for a lot of years. Much less joint pain, bones and teeth feel stronger.... and I can assure you I test them regularly with pork scratchings. 😱 Dental health (teeth and gums) has improved in general and I see improvement in my skin too, so my gut feeling is that the low fat advice we have been bombarded with all our lives has not actually been helpful to our health. That is however, just my opinion having tried it on myself. It also makes my food more enjoyable and that is important when I have given up a lot of other things that I used to enjoy. I do also keep active and I think that is an important aspect.

If you want a definitive answer about eating more fat, there isn't one. It is a divisive subject. I have tried low fat most of my life and it didn't stop me putting on weight. I have been eating low carb, higher fat now for 3 years and weight is pretty stable and I feel fitter and healthier than I have for 20 years and best of all, I don't crave those high carb foods and snacks that I used to. I eat less and I don't feel hungry most of the time because the fat is slow to digest and provides slow release energy. Often I just have one or two meals a day and it isn't a hardship. I just don't need any more than that.
The only way to find out personally is to try it.
I did a three month period where I didn't eat low fat, my cholesterol went through the roof.
Back to avoiding saturated fats, and generally low overall fat, and it's fine again.
When I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 my cholesterol was over 7 .When I lowered my carbs and upped my good fats my cholesterol levels came down to 5.2 and has stayed the same for 12 years
I went from the GP advised diet sheet with low fat high carb foods to low carb high (more normal) fats and my cholesterol reduced to below average. I was still offered statins - but having been wrecked by them once, I decided my brain deserved to be left alone.
The low carb is fine, my downfall was the high fat and the gradual increase in my cholesterol... have continued with low carb but paying more attention to the fat content. Bye bye copious amounts of brie and everest spoonfuls of almond and cashew nut butters. Sigh. Due for a blood test soon and am interested to see the result.
Due for a blood test soon and am interested to see the result.

Hope you get the results you are looking for Sharron 🙂

I’m due to have my first A1c since the pandemic soon. Even after 30 years it’s still slightly nerve wracking - like being told to see the headteacher!
Hope you get the results you are looking for Sharron 🙂

I’m due to have my first A1c since the pandemic soon. Even after 30 years it’s still slightly nerve wracking - like being told to see the headteacher!
Ta. All will be revealed soon.
Many of us here who follow a low carb way of eating, use full fat products (particularly dairy) and have found cholesterol levels actually reduced slightly. I was quite skeptical about eating more fat but in combination with low carb, it works really well for me and I feel fitter and healthier than I have for a lot of years. Much less joint pain, bones and teeth feel stronger.... and I can assure you I test them regularly with pork scratchings. 😱 Dental health (teeth and gums) has improved in general and I see improvement in my skin too, so my gut feeling is that the low fat advice we have been bombarded with all our lives has not actually been helpful to our health. That is however, just my opinion having tried it on myself. It also makes my food more enjoyable and that is important when I have given up a lot of other things that I used to enjoy. I do also keep active and I think that is an important aspect.

If you want a definitive answer about eating more fat, there isn't one. It is a divisive subject. I have tried low fat most of my life and it didn't stop me putting on weight. I have been eating low carb, higher fat now for 3 years and weight is pretty stable and I feel fitter and healthier than I have for 20 years and best of all, I don't crave those high carb foods and snacks that I used to. I eat less and I don't feel hungry most of the time because the fat is slow to digest and provides slow release energy. Often I just have one or two meals a day and it isn't a hardship. I just don't need any more than that.
Many of us here who follow a low carb way of eating, use full fat products (particularly dairy) and have found cholesterol levels actually reduced slightly. I was quite skeptical about eating more fat but in combination with low carb, it works really well for me and I feel fitter and healthier than I have for a lot of years. Much less joint pain, bones and teeth feel stronger.... and I can assure you I test them regularly with pork scratchings. 😱 Dental health (teeth and gums) has improved in general and I see improvement in my skin too, so my gut feeling is that the low fat advice we have been bombarded with all our lives has not actually been helpful to our health. That is however, just my opinion having tried it on myself. It also makes my food more enjoyable and that is important when I have given up a lot of other things that I used to enjoy. I do also keep active and I think that is an important aspect.

If you want a definitive answer about eating more fat, there isn't one. It is a divisive subject. I have tried low fat most of my life and it didn't stop me putting on weight. I have been eating low carb, higher fat now for 3 years and weight is pretty stable and I feel fitter and healthier than I have for 20 years and best of all, I don't crave those high carb foods and snacks that I used to. I eat less and I don't feel hungry most of the time because the fat is slow to digest and provides slow release energy. Often I just have one or two meals a day and it isn't a hardship. I just don't need any more than that.
Thanks….that backs up what I have been reading in “The Glucose Revolution”. I never knew also that carbs just turn into sugar after we eat them, so a low carb diet should help diabetics.
Absolutely agree with everything you say there Barbara. I'm on very low carb high fat diet (Keto, just about) , blood sugar readings never been better or more stable. Feel great, have lost a few kilos, less joint pains, eat less but don't feel hungry. Am eating very little processed foods, plenty of health fats, protein and fresh vegetables. Next Hba1c predicted to be 42, was up at 77 when eating carbs. Would recommended it to any Type 1 diabetic in particular. Wish i'd gone LCHF years ago.
Thanks….that backs up what I have been reading in “The Glucose Revolution”. I never knew also that carbs just turn into sugar after we eat them, so a low carb diet should help diabetics.

It does, definitely. Low carb is the way to go!!
It does, definitely. Low carb is the way to go!!
It is the way to go for some people with diabetes.
I have tried it and it is definitely not the way to go for me.
Eating a mainly home cooked vegetarian diet with little processed for but not restricting carbs results in a confirmed HbA1C of 45.
FYI my Libre estimated 35 so I tend not to believe it.
Thanks….that backs up what I have been reading in “The Glucose Revolution”. I never knew also that carbs just turn into sugar after we eat them, so a low carb diet should help diabetics.
Not really.
If you eat pure sugar, yes that is a quick, high spike.
If you eat a low GI meal, maybe with some healthy non saturated fats, it can take hours to digest, so no spike at all.
Sorry for the necro-post.

From what I've read in excerpts in the newspaper (the Daily Mail, not mine!) I'm not a believer, however, until I actually read the book I must withhold judgement.

I see that the book in available on the Kindle daily deal for 99p (for me at least) so I have bought it and will read it and then be able to have an informed opinion.

TD;DR - this is not a recommendation, but simply a cheap way to purchase the book and make your own mind up
Many of us here who follow a low carb way of eating, use full fat products (particularly dairy) and have found cholesterol levels actually reduced slightly. I was quite skeptical about eating more fat but in combination with low carb, it works really well for me and I feel fitter and healthier than I have for a lot of years. Much less joint pain, bones and teeth feel stronger.... and I can assure you I test them regularly with pork scratchings. 😱 Dental health (teeth and gums) has improved in general and I see improvement in my skin too, so my gut feeling is that the low fat advice we have been bombarded with all our lives has not actually been helpful to our health. That is however, just my opinion having tried it on myself. It also makes my food more enjoyable and that is important when I have given up a lot of other things that I used to enjoy. I do also keep active and I think that is an important aspect.

If you want a definitive answer about eating more fat, there isn't one. It is a divisive subject. I have tried low fat most of my life and it didn't stop me putting on weight. I have been eating low carb, higher fat now for 3 years and weight is pretty stable and I feel fitter and healthier than I have for 20 years and best of all, I don't crave those high carb foods and snacks that I used to. I eat less and I don't feel hungry most of the time because the fat is slow to digest and provides slow release energy. Often I just have one or two meals a day and it isn't a hardship. I just don't need any more than that.
Likewise! I find stuffing myself with proteins and fats works for me, no change or increase in cholesterol so far, in fact take the fats away and whats left? Not a lot, life would be miserable, all about what works for you, fascinating that although we look alike whats inside the body and how it works differs vastly between each of us.
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