Glucose levels

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I dont understand this. Today before breakfast my sugar was 6.5 lowest its been since diagnosis 4 weeks ago. I had poached egg with advocado on 1 brown bread for breakfast then went for an hours walk then had 1 small chicken leg with salad and a seeded brown roll then 2 hours later it was 10.1 ??? Why is it so high as I thought what id eaten wasnt many carbs or sugar. Does it go high after eating ? Please help.
I dont understand this. Today before breakfast my sugar was 6.5 lowest its been since diagnosis 4 weeks ago. I had poached egg with advocado on 1 brown bread for breakfast then went for an hours walk then had 1 small chicken leg with salad and a seeded brown roll then 2 hours later it was 10.1 ??? Why is it so high as I thought what id eaten wasnt many carbs or sugar. Does it go high after eating ? Please help.

It's at that level because there are probably a lot of carbs in the brown roll (And brown bread)
What level was it before you had lunch?
It will be the bread and roll for certain. Use low carb bread, I had same breakfast, 5.8 after 2 hrs starting from 4.5.
I dont understand this. Today before breakfast my sugar was 6.5 lowest its been since diagnosis 4 weeks ago. I had poached egg with advocado on 1 brown bread for breakfast then went for an hours walk then had 1 small chicken leg with salad and a seeded brown roll then 2 hours later it was 10.1 ??? Why is it so high as I thought what id eaten wasnt many carbs or sugar. Does it go high after eating ? Please help.
It is hard to say what is influencing your blood glucose as you didn't test either 2 hours after breakfast or before your lunch or what the time gap was. If your level had been pushed up to about 8 by 2 hours after the bread from breakfast and you then had lunch with the bread roll that could easily have increase your level to 10 depending on the size of the roll it could have been as much as 30g carb. Perhaps more chicken and salad and a smaller roll.
It's at that level because there are probably a lot of carbs in the brown roll (And brown bread)
What level was it before you had lunch?
I couldnt take it before lunch as i was out walking. But its not over the top the amount of carbs in 1 slice bread and 1 small roll surely ?
You can take a BG reading pretty well anywhere! On a park bench, on a bus, in a cafe. I have even done it whilst riding a horse but they have to be reasonably well behaved and it is a bit of a juggle holding the reins whilst you fiddle to get your test strip out and into the meter and then get a drop of blood, but it can be done.
But its not over the top the amount of carbs in 1 slice bread and 1 small roll surely ?
Your roll could easily be 20g carb and a slice of brown bread can also be there or thereabouts, especially if it's thick-sliced.
I couldnt take it before lunch as i was out walking. But its not over the top the amount of carbs in 1 slice bread and 1 small roll surely ?

Well 10g of carbs can raise blood sugar by 3, so a bread roll might be up to 30g of carbs... I mean, a burger bun at a burger chain is over 30. The problem with T2 diabetes is that the response to blood sugar going up is not working properly, amongst other things, so being at 10 two hours after eating a bread roll is actually not unexpected.

If you have a slice of bread in the morning that may have caused a rise that persists until lunch when you ate more carbs which will add to the already elevated level.

I've taken blood sugar readings in the middle of fields when out for my lunchtime walk and also on the top of mount Vesuvius.
One slice of bread is 15-20g carbs. A bread roll 20-30g. So that’s why your blood sugar went up. Brown bread has more fibre but no less carbs than white. And unfortunately this is where everyone is different, some people can get away with a bit of bread without it having much effect, others can not.

We ought to start a thread on “where’s the strangest place you’ve tested your blood sugar”. I think ours was on the platform of an underground station in London. There must be many stranger ones than that!
I tested mine on top of mount vesevius! And in the middle of a woodland near Warwick Uni, seafront in Mallorca somewhere, Dubrovnik City walls, Pompeii...
You can take a BG reading pretty well anywhere! On a park bench, on a bus, in a cafe. I have even done it whilst riding a horse but they have to be reasonably well behaved and it is a bit of a juggle holding the reins whilst you fiddle to get your test strip out and into the meter and then get a drop of blood, but it can be done.
omg, on a horse? I am impressed :rofl:, now must better that, maybe try it on the bike, er no, maybe not, you win :rofl:!
I have done it on a horse drawn carriage too but I did hand the reins over to my partner on that occasion.
I did ask the horse to stand still when I was riding, whilst I tested. We weren't galloping or anything 🙄 So much easier now with Libre though and I can scan on the move with that.
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