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Glucose levels...question


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Type 2...taken off Metformin as it made me feel so ill. Now on daglofoxin feel great . Been a month. But my glucose levels are 7.7 ...to 10 in the morning. Just played 2hrs golf...13.1?
Think I need another tablet.? Thoughts please. Please note I'm 7 and a half stone.
No one can tell you anything based on one blood sugar reading
Exercise can put blood sugar up sometimes @jtg1964 Maybe it’s that? I’d look at the overall trends and your HbA1C.

How long have you had diabetes?
Exercise can put blood sugar up sometimes @jtg1964 Maybe it’s that? I’d look at the overall trends and your HbA1C.

How long have you had diabetes?
Just over a year. My last blood test was 59. Started this new medication and have a blood test in 2 months now. Guess I should wait till then and not over think.
You’re slim @jtg1964 so I’m also wondering what made them settle on Type 2 as your diagnosis. Do you have a family history of Type 2? There are, of course, slim Type 2s, but if you find your blood sugar is higher than expected, it might be worth asking whether late-onset Type 1 is a possibility.
Type 1 is in family though just 2 cousins.
It's a difficult one...i eat healthy as i had a heart attack at 42. Now 60 and now diagnosed as diabetic which even being a nurse i can't get my head around. I have to keep a healthy diet for my heart.Alot of diabetic advice goes against this. Feel unsure at the minute as to what is best. I think I concur with you...looking more like diabeties type 1. Thank you
It might be worth getting some Ketostix if you haven’t already got them @jtg1964 It sounds like it might be a good idea to investigate the possibility of it not being Type 2.
I'm on dapaglifozin (forxiga) as well as metformin. It is helpful for type 2s but is also good for cardiovascular health, therefore is a good bet for you. I was given ketostix as ketoacidosis can happen with the drug ( it is mentioned with the leaflet) I haven't felt unwell so haven't tested but you can buy them at a chemist or ask for a prescription. Given your healthy weight exercise and lifestyle the readings do seem high as does your 59. I have certainly seen a few posts from people diagnosed as 2 who were later told they were type 1. Equally someone has recently posted who was diagnosed with a high reading as possibly 1 who has now been told he is 2. Good luck.
For what purpose?
Taking dapagliflozin if you’re actually type 1 gives an increased risk of DKA which can be fatal, so it’s worth getting ketostix to check for ketones

I'm on dapaglifozin (forxiga) as well as metformin. It is helpful for type 2s but is also good for cardiovascular health, therefore is a good bet for you. I was given ketostix as ketoacidosis can happen with the drug ( it is mentioned with the leaflet) I haven't felt unwell so haven't tested but you can buy them at a chemist or ask for a prescription. Given your healthy weight exercise and lifestyle the readings do seem high as does your 59. I have certainly seen a few posts from people diagnosed as 2 who were later told they were type 1. Equally someone has recently posted who was diagnosed with a high reading as possibly 1 who has now been told he is 2. Good luck.
Just wanted to follow up.Ketone tests for a week 0.1. Started me on glicazide twice a day.Levels are going down. They were in 20's. Morning now round 8 lunch 10 evening down last night to 11.Awful cramps in my legs every morning. Feeling really worried and confused still. Any advice welcomed.