Glucose Goddess

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes

I’ve just found out that I have pre diabetes. I’ve been reading the The Glucose Revolution and I wanted to know if anyone else has tried these hacks and if they have worked help reduce their glucose levels?

I’ve just found out that I have pre diabetes. I’ve been reading the The Glucose Revolution and I wanted to know if anyone else has tried these hacks and if they have worked help reduce their glucose levels?
Welcome to the forum
I don't know about that particular one but there are many different ways to take control of your situation and make some changes, I would rather regard it as a opportunity to make some sustainable changes so they have to be something enjoyable.
This is one approach.
Hi Magzy,
Yes, I always start my meals with a chopped salad. I gave up vinegar as it conflicted with another condition. The main thing you need to do is get your diet right, and probably lose some weight. GG's combining foods hack may not always help you lose the visceral fat that leads to T2D. This article explains why: What should we eat?
Welcome to the forum @Magzy

GG seems to be something of a ‘marmite’ character on the forum, particularly with the launch of a supplement as mentioned here

Some on the forum are concerned that financial gain, rather than improved health, may be an underlying motivation?
Some on the forum are concerned that financial gain, rather than improved health, may be an underlying motivation?
Financial gain concerns me less than the content correctness and appropriateness. I'm a strong advocate of Hagnar Hanas and Gary Scheiner, who have had their books republished several times; no doubt they have gained financially from rheir authorship.

Personally I enjoyed reading GG's original book overall and although her style was not always to my preference I learnt a great deal about metabolism and refreshed my knowledge on some bits I already understood.

Her salad hack works for me - and I don't need to search for low carb meals; I particularly appreciate the increased fibre content, for minimal carbs and thus minimal extra insulin - since I am comprehensively insulin dependent anyway. My salads are extremely varied, selected from up to 10 different vegetables out of a list of over 20 possible ingredients. I make a batch that last about 4+ days, preserved partly by being kept in the fridge and partly because there is usually pickled veg content. I drink vinegar based drinks, when convenient and the extra vinegar exists in our larder. Neither of these hacks cost me a lot extra and GG doesn't profit from that extra as far as I can possibly foresee. But my reduced glycaemic variability has been noticeable for the last 6+ months. So @Magzy, in answer to your original question, 2 of her hacks are fine for me and I probably subliminally follow other hacks which don't create profit to GG. So I have no beef about GG's probable financial gain and her e-book cost me less than a fiver.
Financial gain concerns me less than the content correctness and appropriateness. I'm a strong advocate of Hagnar Hanas and Gary Scheiner, who have had their books republished several times; no doubt they have gained financially from rheir authorship.

Personally I enjoyed reading GG's original book overall and although her style was not always to my preference I learnt a great deal about metabolism and refreshed my knowledge on some bits I already understood.

Her salad hack works for me - and I don't need to search for low carb meals; I particularly appreciate the increased fibre content, for minimal carbs and thus minimal extra insulin - since I am comprehensively insulin dependent anyway. My salads are extremely varied, selected from up to 10 different vegetables out of a list of over 20 possible ingredients. I make a batch that last about 4+ days, preserved partly by being kept in the fridge and partly because there is usually pickled veg content. I drink vinegar based drinks, when convenient and the extra vinegar exists in our larder. Neither of these hacks cost me a lot extra and GG doesn't profit from that extra as far as I can possibly foresee. But my reduced glycaemic variability has been noticeable for the last 6+ months. So @Magzy, in answer to your original question, 2 of her hacks are fine for me and I probably subliminally follow other hacks which don't create profit to GG. So I have no beef about GG's probable financial gain and her e-book cost me less than a fiver.
Whilst I am ambivalent towards the Glucose Goddess, I think we have to be very careful of being too wedded to anything, just because it's been around a long time.

When I was initially diagnosed in 2013, I ate to my meter, which resulted in a reduced carb lifestyle, which I still follow.

At that time, low carbing was seen as very "left field" and a risky business. We were warned, metaphorically, we were one rasher of bacon away from catastrophe in many places, including this one. Times change.

I strongly feel it is incumbent on individuals to listen, ask questions, but then to go and do research from themselves.
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