Glucosamine and Chondrotin

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Just reading this article in today's Telegraph and also heard it on Radio 2, apparently research has suggested that glucosamine and chondrotin are ineffective in treating arthritis and osteoarthritis.

I've taken glucosamine for years and believe that it has helped my arthritis, the article suggests this could be the 'placebo effect', but I know that I feel much better now than before I started taking glucosamine supplements. Does anyone else take these supplements? Toby.
FIL's neighbour swears by them. FIL takes fish oils and they seem to have helped him.

It could be that its a combination of things that help you know A does not help, B does not help but if you take A and B then things improve.
there was a similar article in The Times today too. i think it concluded that there still wasn't enough evidence to prove anything but it was suggested that it doesn't do as much good as the manufacturers make out.

My mum swear by both of them though. I tried taking glucosamine but it make me throw up:( so not i just put up with it and suffer.
Thanks for the replies. I won't stop taking glucosamine as Frantastic points out, this is only one study and nothing is conclusive. Toby.
Glucosamine & Chondrotin

Thers is an artical in the Yorkshire Evening Post (Friday) saying the same thing. Itook them for many years before stopping as they seem not to do me any good, but as they say everone is diffrent.
Acually, the reports in various media outlets are of a meta analysis study, which looked at a whole range of studies of various sizes, so it's not really just "one study". However, one other proviso - this study looked at effects on osteo arthritis in hips and knees, not on effects on other joints, nor other forms of arthritis eg rheumatoid arthritis, nor simple joint stiffness.
Personally, I like the BBC news website, as links are posted to relevant journals / organisation eg has links (below article) to BMJ and Arthritis Research UK
Thanks for the replies. I won't stop taking glucosamine as Frantastic points out, this is only one study and nothing is conclusive. Toby.

From what the guy on radio 4 said, it was more a case of you can keep taking them if you want, but don't expect to continue getting them on prescription if you already are.

Also, as Copepod says, it was a metastudy and it does all just boil down to statistics. But in this case, I have more confidence in its findings than if it was just a small study of 50 or so people, for example.

I use Glucosamine Condroitin gel on sore muscles after running or walking a long way and find it helpful - it's a bit like Deep heat in that it makes it feel warm, but thankfully not as smelly as Deep Heat!
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