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gluco juice


Senior Member
saw this in Boots today so picked up a couple. got one Berry burst and one lemon lime. they have 15g glucose so are designed for treating hypos. I find that when I treat hypo's with anything other than glucose tabs I tend to over treat so this seems pretty good.

anyone used them yet? any thoughts?
if im honest i dont usually go looking for hypo treatments. i have lucozade and dextro tablets, and the odd jelly baby.

they do seem like a good idea though, not needing to worry about having the right amount. I think with me being diabetic for so long i tend to just know whats enough, although i have over corrected on many occasions :eek:
Strangely enough Gluco Juice and Gluco Tabs were advertised in this month's Balance magazine, am going to check out their website www.glucotabs.com and read their blurb.
That sounds good idea 'gluco juice' I will definitely be buying some of that.
saw this in Boots today so picked up a couple. got one Berry burst and one lemon lime. they have 15g glucose so are designed for treating hypos. I find that when I treat hypo's with anything other than glucose tabs I tend to over treat so this seems pretty good.

anyone used them yet? any thoughts?

I've come across them in the past through my housemate, he's not diabetic but uses them for an energy boost while running, but i've never used them. The flavours sound quite good though so may have to give them a go! I tend to just use fruit juice and carry a 200ml (20g carbs) carton in my handbag which is usually just right to bring me out of a hypo.
one of reasons they are quite appealing is that they are only 59ml bottles so can easily fit into handbag (and could take them through security at an airport as less than 100mls). They are however expensive in my opinion so I'll try not to have too mnay hypos