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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there
I get a lot of queries about terms that are used on this board and am going to put together a glossary for everyone to use
If there is soemthing you want to know or think there are certain things that should be included - please let me know by posting a thread after this message - Thank-you all!
This is a wonderful idea, as being newly diagnosed there are still a few words that im not familiar with. I will have a think about them and come back to post them.
OK, im back and I've found 3 that I would like to know what they stand for and what they mean.

Hb1c (this one in particular when it has a number is this your blood sugar count)

Many thanks

I have no idea what DKA and Hb1c mean , i have had diabetes for years.
A glossary is so needed haha.
DKA is Diabetes Keto acidosis. Its when your sugars get so high that your body starts burning fat instead. you feel extremely sick and untreated will lead to a coma. Its really dangerous and can avoid it by testing sugars regularly.

the other one is a test which tests your diabetes control over 3 months or so. a low number is good, high number is bad.
Thank you so much for your replies. Hb1c, ive only been diagnosed since end of September and had my first visit with the diabetic nurse in November and ive never had one of these yet - when should I expect to have one.
Depends when you next check up is, i get them every 6 months. Just like blood testing but with your thumb, It scars for months, Till the next one haha but doesnt hurt.
I've not had this thumb thing - they do a full blood test every 6 months at my surgery specifically for my Hb1c level - it's presently running at 11 which I know should be lower but I'm new to all this and still working on it (and it's Christmas too....!).
I've not had this thumb thing - they do a full blood test every 6 months at my surgery specifically for my Hb1c level - it's presently running at 11 which I know should be lower but I'm new to all this and still working on it (and it's Christmas too....!).

I'm the same, only ever had the full-blown blood tests. I think it's because they are testing the blood for other things like tryglycerides and cholesterol, and kidney stuff (think that's the technical term...:D)

HbA1c was 11.8 at diagnosis, then down to 6.7. I'm hoping that my next one will show an improvement to reward me for all the hypos I've had over the past few months trying to keep my levels 'tight'! 🙂
I think if Hba1c is added, there should be a little explanation that a level of 6% doesn't mean your average BG is 6 mmol/l. I don't think many doctors actually tell diabetics that.
Heres a few to start you off

BS / BG : Blood sugar / Blood Glucose
HbA1c : Glycosolated Hemoglobin - Red blood cells live for about 90 days in the body. During that time they absorb glucose at a rate that is proportianal to the blood sugar levels. By testing the amount of sugar in the red blood cells you can work out an average for the last three months. (In simplified laymans terms)
basal : Long acting insulin
Bolus : Short acting insulin dose given to cover meals
DKA : Diabetic ketoacidosis
DAFNE : Dose Adjusted for Normal Eating - A method of calculating carbs and adjusting insulin doses to suit.
Desmond : Diabeted Education and Self Monitoring for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed
Mg/Dl : Milligrams per Deciletre - US (imperial) units for concentration of blood sugar
MMol/l : Millimoles per litre - Metric units for concentration of blood sugar
Ketones : A byproduct of burning fats. These are poisonous and dangerous in large quantities.
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