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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I'm about to start on this along side metformin I would be so grateful to hear people's experiences of being on this I know everyone is different but would like to hear
Main things I'm worried about is weight gain , hypos or upset tummy whilst at work , and of course did it help lower your levels?
What's the best Carb to keep in my work bag I read orange juice, skittles, star burst does that sound correct ?
ThNks so much for your time in advance
The best things for hypos (and yes, Gliclazide can cause hypos) are Dextro glucose tablets (small, convenient and don’t get all sticky), or jelly babies or a 150ml can of sugar Coke. It would also be a good idea to pack some longer-lasting carb snacks to have after your quick-acting glucose eg digestive biscuits.

Although some people do use orange juice, I don’t find it works quickly enough and when I’m hypo, I want something quick.
I have been on Gliclazide 40g and 1g Metformin twice a day for a few months and as long as i take them with a meal they are fine.. i had one upset tummy in the first few days and now i have never been so regular and well formed !!!! (sorry if TMI)
@family7, I took gliclazide for a couple of years, no side effects, no weight gain no hypos, but stopped it on the advice of my DN because my HbA1c dropped below 40. . What I do know is that it actually worked in reducing my blood glucose levels, you can see when I stopped it from my blood glucose records. My HbA1c is now around 50 and it is likely that I will be back on it before long, something I would be very happy to do.
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