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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys,

Looking for some advice on medication please.
Been type 2 for many years, taking sukkarto 1000mg 2 a day trajenta 5mg 1a day but struggling to keep bloods under 10 so dr suggested adding Gliclazide 30mg 2 a day.

Does this seem ok or should I try to do by diet alone. Worried that if I just keep adding tablets it’ll continues to get worse

Thanks for any advice
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Not necessarily, I used to take with Metformin,and Sitagliptin, but came off off it a few years ago as my HBA1C was lowered and I was experiencing too many hypos.
Hi Chris and welcome

Could you tell us a bit about yourself? Do you know what your latest HbA1c was? And could you give us an idea of your usual diet. You have a few levers that will help you control your diabetes. In addition to medication there is also diet, weight loss (if you need to) and exercise.

On the diet front carbohydrates will convert rapidly in your body into glucose and therefore controlling your carb intake is critical. Carby food are things like pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, parsnips and tropical fruits.
Not necessarily, I used to take with Metformin,and Sitagliptin, but came off off it a few years ago as my HBA1C was lowered and I was experiencing too many hypos.
Thanks, I’ll do further reading but thinking I just keep trying to control with current meds and diet.
Hi Chris and welcome

Could you tell us a bit about yourself? Do you know what your latest HbA1c was? And could you give us an idea of your usual diet. You have a few levers that will help you control your diabetes. In addition to medication there is also diet, weight loss (if you need to) and exercise.

On the diet front carbohydrates will convert rapidly in your body into glucose and therefore controlling your carb intake is critical. Carby food are things like pasta, bread, rice, potatoes, parsnips and tropical fruits.
Hi Adrian,

Hba1c was 66 last week, but 55 in July, I knew it would be higher as I went crazy over Christmas with chocs bics etc.

I check my bloods about once a week first thing before food and it’s usually in the 8-9 range, over Christmas it went up to 15 it was 8.3 this morning.

I think I should check bloods more regularly to keep myself in check.

I’m worried about hypos with Gliclaxide and not sure I really need to add another med.

i am on gliclazide it does a fair job but you will need to keep a watch out for hypo's i have had quite a few.
Hi Chris
You're numbers are not too bad. I suspect with some dietary tweaks you should be able to bring them down. At 55 you are only just over the threshold of 48. At 66 you have a bit more to do but I was there at diagnosis. What would you eat in a typical day?

I test my BG every morning (it approximates a fasting BG level). When first diagnosed I tested before meals and two hours after meals This enables you to check what impact the meal has on your BG. You will quickly learn what your body can, and can't, tolerate. I now only check before and after meals if I'm cooking with something new.

There are a couple of threads you might want to look at. What did you eat yesterday will give you ideas on food choices and meals and the 7 day waking average thread is also worth a look. Don't try and read from the beginning as there are thousands of pages. Lots of members check in each day and it is a great way to get to know people

Please shout if you have any questions
Welcome to the forum @Christoffa

It’s important to keep your medication and your diet (along with your activity) in balance. It sounds like you have already seen some pretty direct results from food choices with your Christmas splurge, and it sounds like a few tweaks in terms of moderating your carb intake would be helpful to keep your BGs under control.

Of course there are obvious things like cakes, biscuits, sweets and sugary drinks that you will have been trying to cut down on already, but you might be surprised how much *all* carbohydrate affects your BG levels, including rice, pasta, bread, pastry, grains, cereals potatoes and many fruits.

That’s not to say that you can’t ever eat any of those things at all, but controlling portions, and choosing the types that suit your individual metabolism can be really helpful.

Many members find this ‘test review adjust’ approach very helpful

Let us know how you get on, and ask away if you get stuck for food ideas or useful swaps/alternatives for carby staples 🙂
Can anybody help please I’m so confused. I’m Type 2 but only recently diagnosed (Sept 23) So my BG levels have been v high around 16-20 and last week it was up to 24 ( had to go to A and E ). I was put an additional dose of Metformin ( 2000 mg a day ) and added now 40mg once a day of Gliclazide. I’ve Not tested for two days - last test was Wednesday at 15:7 …. Just tested and now it’s 5.4 !!! Totally confused ( H1Alc level is 128 -taken on Sat ) - is this good news or concerning ?? Thanks
Can anybody help please I’m so confused. I’m Type 2 but only recently diagnosed (Sept 23) So my BG levels have been v high around 16-20 and last week it was up to 24 ( had to go to A and E ). I was put an additional dose of Metformin ( 2000 mg a day ) and added now 40mg once a day of Gliclazide. I’ve Not tested for two days - last test was Wednesday at 15:7 …. Just tested and now it’s 5.4 !!! Totally confused ( H1Alc level is 128 -taken on Sat ) - is this good news or concerning ?? Thanks
It is a level that should be fine but as you blood glucose has been high you may feel a bit wobbly until your body gets used to being lower. I think the gliclazide starts to work quite quickly which is why it is a good idea when starting new medication to do frequent testing just to check.
Was the 5.4 when you hadn't eaten for sometime as that is the sort of number you are aiming at for before meals.
The high Hba1C will reflect the previous 3 months which is before the change in medication.
Have you double checked that reading of 5.4. You should always double check a reading that is unexpected. Some test strips give you a false low reading if you don't get enough blood on the strip although 5.4 isn't a worryingly low reading. It is also possible that it is just a rogue test strip, but if it is 5.4 then that is great news and seems like the Gliclazide is working.
Can anybody help please I’m so confused. I’m Type 2 but only recently diagnosed (Sept 23) So my BG levels have been v high around 16-20 and last week it was up to 24 ( had to go to A and E ). I was put an additional dose of Metformin ( 2000 mg a day ) and added now 40mg once a day of Gliclazide. I’ve Not tested for two days - last test was Wednesday at 15:7 …. Just tested and now it’s 5.4 !!! Totally confused ( H1Alc level is 128 -taken on Sat ) - is this good news or concerning ?? Thanks

If that reading is correct, it will probably be the Gliclazide. You should test regularly on Gliclazide because it can potentially cause hypos.
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