Gliclazide 20mg only per day?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi guys, apologies if this query has already been dealt with:

My mum 80 4"11 good weight, has just started on Gliclazide 40mg (also on Gulcophade 500x4 tabs daily)

Thing is she's had a couple of hypos mid morning lunchtime (even though I am structuring her meals/carb intake properly throughout the day)

Does anyone have experience with splitting the tab so she's only getting 20mg per day, and see how that goes, or is there something wrong about splitting these tabs in particular?

Thanks so much, Ash
I was put on glicazide originally (I started out at 22 mmol/l ) but was given intructions to stop when I got to around 5 mmol/l. Have you contacted the GP or DSN ?
You need to discuss with her team as there is a normal and slow release version.
Yes, you should discuss this with her diabetes team. It’s never a good idea splitting tablets, because you don’t accurately know what dose is in each bit you create. I’m not certain, but I don’t think Gliclazide 40mg have a break line anyway.
It would be best to discuss this with her DN or doctor as she has only just started on it and they may want to lower the dose or it could be they want her to take 20 mg in the morning and 20 mg at night. Gliclazide is one of those meds that need to adjusted to find the best way to take it to lower the risk of hypos, if you have to low a dose it can let your levels go high.
Hi. I don't believe Gliclazide is a coated tablet but do read the leaflet. There should be no need to split the Metformin as it only has a minimal effect anyway and doesn't cause hypos. A 20mg dose of Gliclazide would seem hardly worth taking as 320 mg is the max dose which I was on at one time with no effect. However if it works then fine.
Thanks everyone for the valuable advice, I think a trip back to the Docs is in order, best wishes
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