Given up

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I dont know why but ive given up with diets etc and looking after my diabetes. Im not sure why though it wasnt a conscious decision to stop it just seemed to creep up on me and im not sure how to get myself back on track. I know about things that can happen but it gives me no insentive to start again. Ive had the "who cares, its going to kill me sooner or later" times but i cant shake myself out of it.

Not looking for anything here I just thought writing it down may kick me into gear
Hey Tenzin, it's been a while since we heard from you - glad you decided to drop in here. I think many people go through this, so don't feel that you are alone, or that you have 'failed' somehow. Living with a chronic condition like diabetes can be difficult at times as it can feel like there's no escape. Bear in mind though: you may be able to ignore it for a time, and feel fatalistic about it and what it may do to you - this is why it is such an evil thing, the consequences of ignoring it may not be truly felt until some real damage has been done, and it is often at that point that the regrets begin - when it may already be too late for some aspects of your health.

Don't feel overwhelmed by everything - pick one small thing that you can improve and work on it. Don't think of it as something you have to do for your diabetes, do it for your health generally, like going for a daily walk or some other exercise - make it part of your routine. Don't let diabetes sneak up on you - sneak up on it instead! Start making a food diary, just so that you can look at it in a week or so and see if there are any areas where you might be able to eat more healthily, or reduce portions, or cut out a snack that you might only have eaten because you were bored. In this way, you're not doing things for the diabetes like being forced into a diet because of it, you're doing it because you want to feel better about yourself.

It might be worth going back to your doctor or nurse and explain how you have been feeling. It's very common to feel this way, and they may have some helpful suggestions or can set out a plan to help you.

You can always come here and tell us about the things that get you down about diabetes - we will understand and it can help to put it into words (as you may have already found by writing this!). 🙂
Hi Tenzin,

So sorry your feeling like this at the moment. I think we all at some time or another get really fed up with the 'D' and just don't want to know about it anymore! Have you seen your Doc or Nurse lately? It may help to see them and talk about how your feeling and see if they can help in some way.

I'm sure that you will get lots of support from people on this forum too, at least we have some understanding of how your feeling at the moment and that is so important 🙂

Try to do your best to take care of yourself, lv Shirl x
Thanks for the replies. Im bipolar which i think maybe has something to do with it i dont know. It does feel like im failing at it and thats why ive not been here for a while but i forgot what talking to someone in the same boat does for you. I'll have to start coming on more often it may help. dont worry i wont be offloading problem after problem on you all lol

I need to re-read everything about it again and try to scare myself into action again. I think the unending mass of information and contradiction of all the information just seems too overwhelming to me. Ive spoke with my doctor, diabetes nurse and dietician and i cant say theyve helped any, the only thing they say is keep your blood sugar down and not to test because being type 2 theres nothing i can do about it if it goes high or low, how am I ment to know what im doing right or wrong if ive not to test myself? They give me no strips, they gave me a monitor but no strips then said dont test! and lets face it theyre not on the cheap side so buying isnt an option for me.

Maybe one day it'll all click into place but im not holding my breath
I think you hit the nail on the head there Tenzin - there is soooo much information, much of it conflicting. Doesn't help that your doctor isn't prepared to give you the tools to help you :( Try and keep it simple and worry about fine-tuning with all the exotic advice when you've got a proper handle on things.

You'll get lots of support from us, my friend, so do keep in touch. 🙂
Thanks Northerner. Im going to be a regular visitor here from now on, im in no position to advise anyone at the moment but talking to people in the same boat can really help. When i first signed up here i found a lot of inspiration to keep going, i think my mistake was distancing myself from it all then it lost all importance.


Thanks Northerner. Im going to be a regular visitor here from now on, im in no position to advise anyone at the moment but talking to people in the same boat can really help. When i first signed up here i found a lot of inspiration to keep going, i think my mistake was distancing myself from it all then it lost all importance.



Excellent! You might be surprised about how soon you will be in a position to advise and support others - you have already experienced much that many people can relate to, and your efforts to get back on track will be very helpful to others in a similar situation 🙂
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