Give statins to all over-50s: Even the healthy should take heart drug

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Statins should be given to all over-50s, regardless of their health history, because they dramatically cut the risk of heart attacks and strokes in later life, one of the UK's leading experts has said.
Currently statins are given only to high-risk patients, around eight million people, who have high cholesterol or have a risk of heart disease.
But there is 'clear evidence' that healthy people can also benefit based on their age alone, says Professor Sir Rory Collins.

He led the world's largest study to investigate statins in the prevention of cardiovascular disease which proved that cutting levels of 'bad' LDL cholesterol in the blood saved lives.
The risk of having a major vascular event such as a heart attack is cut by one-fifth for each 1.0mmol/L (millimoles per litre) fall in LDL, whether in high or low risk patients.
But current guidelines on their use - and misguided safety fears about muscle pain and memory loss - are restricting the range of people who can take them, he said.
How old is he and does he take them? If he's over 50 and doesn't, I'd like to know why not!

Andy 🙂
This paragraph half suggests he takes them:

[quote[Prof Collins, 57, went to his GP a fortnight ago to ask about taking statins despite a relatively low cholesterol level, and was dismayed to learn she could not get high risk patients to take them because of fears about side effects.[/quote]

Does this mean he takes them and the GP was bemoaning her other higher risk patients who wouldn't? Ot that she couldn't prescribe them because he was low risk? :confused:
This paragraph half suggests he takes them:

[quote[Prof Collins, 57, went to his GP a fortnight ago to ask about taking statins despite a relatively low cholesterol level, and was dismayed to learn she could not get high risk patients to take them because of fears about side effects.

Does this mean he takes them and the GP was bemoaning her other higher risk patients who wouldn't? Ot that she couldn't prescribe them because he was low risk? :confused:[/QUOTE]

Did he really?! I'm sure Prof Collins would have told his GP to prescribe them, not ask. Sounds like reporting licence. Wouldn't Prof Collins do statistical research and uptake of statins due to fears of side effects and not rely on what his GP said?

- Andy - it's probably just a matter of boredom threshold. Mine gets pretty low, but I love a good Google.
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