• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

give me a break!

tracey w

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, had the usual comments today.

whilst testing my blood, ooo are you diabetic? yes I replied. Such and such a body has that, but she has it real bad, she has to inject and everything. She has the bad one!:(:confused:

My reply, no diabetes is the good one dear!!

Oh well, i know its not their fault, education etc etc. Suppose i felt a bit tetchy as got up at 5am for work stock take. Will feel better after a good nights sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hi, had the usual comments today.

whilst testing my blood, ooo are you diabetic? yes I replied. Such and such a body has that, but she has it real bad, she has to inject and everything. She has the bad one!:(:confused:

My reply, no diabetes is the good one dear!!

Oh well, i know its not their fault, education etc etc. Suppose i felt a bit tetchy as got up at 5am for work stock take. Will feel better after a good nights sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

One of the advantages of a wide parting and being more ancient is that a raised eyebrow or even a "Grrrrr" tends to close the subject very quickly.

I honestly don't think that while the media keep thrashing diabetes, good and acceptable understanding will develop.
Hi, had the usual comments today.

whilst testing my blood, ooo are you diabetic? yes I replied. Such and such a body has that, but she has it real bad, she has to inject and everything. She has the bad one!:(:confused:

My reply, no diabetes is the good one dear!!

Oh well, i know its not their fault, education etc etc. Suppose i felt a bit tetchy as got up at 5am for work stock take. Will feel better after a good nights sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I've had a similar experience. One person asked me if I was going to inject and I asked them if they wanted to watch or do it for me in one of the places I can't quite reach. I'm on pills so I'd have had a problem if they'd said yes.
I do sympathise with you all - but i would say that ignorance is sorted out with education - so take your time to explain briefly what your doing and why - i was ignorant before Alex's diagnosis (but i would never have commented about someone using a needle - not my nature to) so i understand why people are confused/shocked about witnessing it for the first time. I doubt many people realise they are making you feel uncomfortable!

Just yesterday we were at my friends house and Alex needed to do an unscheduled blood test - so i checked with my friend whether she was comfortable with it and she said 'no' that she hates the sight of blood and she would probably faint! S he went into another room to do it. I completely understand that my friend couldnt deal with it - and she shouldnt have to either - she cant help feeling faint as much as Alex cant help being diabetic!
Compromise is the key in a situation like this. I was also proud of Alex for respecting someone elses wishes without feeling angry about it.:)Bev
One of the advantages of a wide parting and being more ancient is that a raised eyebrow or even a "Grrrrr" tends to close the subject very quickly.

I honestly don't think that while the media keep thrashing diabetes, good and acceptable understanding will develop.

thanks Kojak, will practice the thing with the eyebrow, not sure i can manage that though :D

this morning is on now and apparently will be discussing diabetes, fern was very prominent to point out that he will be describing the differences between type 1 and type 2 as they are very different although the treatment is the same! Well lets see how it goes:rolleyes:
I've had a similar experience. One person asked me if I was going to inject and I asked them if they wanted to watch or do it for me in one of the places I can't quite reach. I'm on pills so I'd have had a problem if they'd said yes.

great:p loved to have seen their face