Girl flu help needed...poorly snot monster

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
STUPID QUESTION ALERT!.....but I expect my mum has gone to bed!!!

I think I might be dying a slow and painful death from a high drama high maintenance attension seeking cold (thats worse than your average cold obviously).

Ive got Benylin chesty coughs, non-drowsy and it appears to be nice and SUGARY! in the packet it says its got liquid glucose and sucrose blah blah blah. Ive had a good 'swig' (Im still sober, I think) and thought perhaps I should bolus. I have selected, completely at random, a bolus of 1 unit. It says in the leaflet to take Benylin "with consideration" if you have diabetes.

So I gave it some "consideration" and drunk it anyway (now I want to wommit). Desperate times and all that. Anyone bolus for this or know what I should bolus? Does anyone know of sugar free cough medicine? I might crawl out of pit and get some tomorrow....if I make it through to Monday that is... 🙄🙄🙄

Help gratefully received. Sympathy mandatory.

ta muchly
snot-misery sugarbum x
hehe! I hope you feel better soon, you poor little thing!! ((hugs)) (ok, that's the sympathy over with).

I would probably bolus for it if it's full of sugar and if you are worried about going high.

remember to drink lots of water! and get some sleep asap :D
I hope you are feeling better.

If it is just a normal cold with associated cough I get pholcodeien sugar free-I can't have benelyn with blood pressure pills, but if in doubt ask the pharnacist.
Robitussin Sugar Free Cough Syrup- the brand most recommended by Doctors and Pharmacists for cough relief is specially formulated for Diabetics - and health conscious consumers. Robitussin Sugar Free Cough syrup provides the same effective relief for cough and chest congestion expected from Robitussin - but is formulated without sugar - alcohol - fructose - sorbitol or unnecessary dyes - all of which can pose risks to people on sugar-free diets. It also contains low sodium for people on sodium-restricted diets. Robitussin Sugar Free Cough formula contains a safe and effective cough suppressant to relieve coughs - and a cough expectorant to loosen chest congestion
Oh you poor thing, Lou? How you feeling today? XX
You can get sugar free versions, just ask the pharmacist. I don't usually bother though and don't tend to bolus for it, never noticed a particular impact so I'd just correct after as necessary.

Hope you're feeling better today!
Sympathy coming your way.🙂

Hope you feel better soon.

Hope your feeling better? (thats the sympathy bit)🙂

I get sugar free calpol for A - i know that doesnt help you - but i am thinking that they must do a sugar free version surely? I dont think i would bolus for such a small amount - especially before bedtime!(technical bit)🙂

I wouldnt bother using any cough medicine to be honest - in my humble opinion - its a total waste of money and you would be better having some lemon tea with a touch of honey for the sore throat!(thats the 'i dont pander to such things' bit)🙂

However, if you develop any chest pains or difficulty breathing etc - go and see your doctor as you may need antibiotics if you have a chest infection. Not sure if you can get sugar free though?(thats the motherly health and safety bit)🙂Bev xx
Thanks all for your sympathy! I have lapped it up. Today I am feeling more human.

I had a snotty night but more sleep than previously. I woke up at 5am and checked BG is was 11.7mmols. I bolused a correction and when I got up later it was 9.7mmols so not bad. Sore throat much better, never used benylin before. Still feel like Ive been punched in the face but then I am also a drama queen 🙂

Thanks for the idea Bev, I might purchase some honey especally for these occassions as I (pre-"D" days) I used to love it. And I see on the packet (although I dont remember buying it) I paid ?4 for the benilyn.

It could be worse, this time next week I shall be starting my new job so I am glad about that!

Thanks for your tea and sympathy folks! Enjoy the lovely weather xx
I wouldn't bolus for it, as I would probably be correcting anyway and wouldn't be totally sure if I was high from the medication or from being ill.

Hope you have felt better today and get over it quickly.
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Aw Lou, you poor thing - there, there (mops fevered brow with cool towel). Hope you are feeling better soon!🙂

I probably wouldn't bolus for it - it must be what, 5g per teaspoon? Same as a random jelly baby!:D
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