Getting used to it now

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
But I have questions.

1. whats the best way of getting the sticky canula plaster thingy off without removing the top two layers of skin?

2. Does insulin temperature matter as my pump is next to my body most of the time it will be getting well above normal room temperature, especially in bed.

3. Having a physical job where I am climbing into and over machines I notice the canula can bruises me if I lean on it/knock it too much, so what other places can I put it. (tried leg but ruined it in no time)

4. whats the most units of insulin you pump in one go, I was advised 6 but go upto 10 and use extended feature for the rest. Last night I did a 17.2 in one go and it went well.

5. Having broken two belt clips by catching the pump on things, how do others not do this.

6. On the accu check combo if you use a temporary basal rate you get a bleep every so often, can this be turned off?

Thanks in advance
But I have questions.

1. whats the best way of getting the sticky canula plaster thingy off without removing the top two layers of skin?

Not sure - I think there are creams etc you can try but I rarely get any residue.

2. Does insulin temperature matter as my pump is next to my body most of the time it will be getting well above normal room temperature, especially in bed.
This has concerned me too. One of the reasons I only ever partly fill a reservoir (2.5 days worth). I haven't noticed any apparent fade in insulin potency so far.

3. Having a physical job where I am climbing into and over machines I notice the canula can bruises me if I lean on it/knock it too much, so what other places can I put it. (tried leg but ruined it in no time)
Have you tried your back? Arms are possible apparently, but I can't see it myself!

4. whats the most units of insulin you pump in one go, I was advised 6 but go upto 10 and use extended feature for the rest. Last night I did a 17.2 in one go and it went well.
I'm on smaller doses I think, so not much help.

5. Having broken two belt clips by catching the pump on things, how do others not do this.
Belt clip is holding so far. I'm going to order the Medtronic one that allows the pump to lie horizontally. Have you tried a SPIbelt/neoprene case or similar?

6. On the accu check combo if you use a temporary basal rate you get a bleep every so often, can this be turned off?
I wish I could on the Veo too. Annoys the heck out of me!
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But I have questions.

1. whats the best way of getting the sticky canula plaster thingy off without removing the top two layers of skin?

2. Does insulin temperature matter as my pump is next to my body most of the time it will be getting well above normal room temperature, especially in bed.

3. Having a physical job where I am climbing into and over machines I notice the canula can bruises me if I lean on it/knock it too much, so what other places can I put it. (tried leg but ruined it in no time)

4. whats the most units of insulin you pump in one go, I was advised 6 but go upto 10 and use extended feature for the rest. Last night I did a 17.2 in one go and it went well.

5. Having broken two belt clips by catching the pump on things, how do others not do this.

6. On the accu check combo if you use a temporary basal rate you get a bleep every so often, can this be turned off?

Thanks in advance

1. I use Alcohol wipes, baby oil is ok but not as good.
2. Not had a problem with this
3. I don't bother with the belt (did initially)find it easier in my pocket....make sure you tape a loop so if you snag, the loop gets it not your tummy and cannula!
4. I regularly give myself 25 units as a standard bolus with my evening meal (for me = 100g carb). Pancake day I had a carb fest with spag bol followed by pancakes....took 55 units!! 😱
5. Don't use them...after breaking mine!
6. Yes, go into 'settings' 'sound/vibrate' 'beeper' and select 'off'.......I just leave mine on medium.
But I have questions.

1. whats the best way of getting the sticky canula plaster thingy off without removing the top two layers of skin?

2. Does insulin temperature matter as my pump is next to my body most of the time it will be getting well above normal room temperature, especially in bed.

3. Having a physical job where I am climbing into and over machines I notice the canula can bruises me if I lean on it/knock it too much, so what other places can I put it. (tried leg but ruined it in no time)

4. whats the most units of insulin you pump in one go, I was advised 6 but go upto 10 and use extended feature for the rest. Last night I did a 17.2 in one go and it went well.

5. Having broken two belt clips by catching the pump on things, how do others not do this.

6. On the accu check combo if you use a temporary basal rate you get a bleep every so often, can this be turned off?

Thanks in advance

1. I try to remove mine after I've had a shower/bath - the water tends to soften the sticky a bit.
2. I have 3 days worth of insulin in a reservoir and have never had an issue with this - not even when on holiday in the rainforest.
3. I find my lower back is best for keeping it out of the way, or buttocks.
4. I've done about 15. But if you're concerned about volume, why not do a dual wave bolus, so half goes in straight away and half over next 30 minutes.
5. I've broken one in 5 years so it's not really been an issue for me. You could try carrying the pump in your pocket, or getting a leather case that fits onto your belt - they seem less likely to break than the plastic ones.
6. Same as Mike, my Medtronic does this too and I find it the most irritating thing about the pump.
1. Plaster adhesive remover. Alcohol/surgical spirit works but is not recommended for regular use as it hardens the skin (runners use it to harden the skin on their feet). I've found that the plaster remover that Boots sell is pretty useless for me. My Roche rep said that one of her other patients had suggested Quickies make-up remover pads, but I've not had much success with them.

2. My understanding is that insulin will be OK for the few days that it is in the pump. I've been told to replace the reservoir after a max of 6 days. I believe that there is a Frio cooling pump case, and I'm going to try one of these when I'm next in the tropics (just in case).

Thank you all, I will be working my way through your advice very soon.

Raviolli on toast is calling me now though:D
Paul - have you got a 'skin' for your pump? - if you are using that ghastly thing made out of perspex with the blue peg on the back, the pump sticks out further than my feet so I do catch it on things. That got filed pdq - stick a skin on it and use the flat clip on that.

I have a black skin, you don't have to have a fluorescent one!

Oh - and it was free. Ring Roche.
Paul - have you got a 'skin' for your pump? - if you are using that ghastly thing made out of perspex with the blue peg on the back, the pump sticks out further than my feet so I do catch it on things. That got filed pdq - stick a skin on it and use the flat clip on that.

I have a black skin, you don't have to have a fluorescent one!

Oh - and it was free. Ring Roche.

Yes that was the one that lasted the longest lol:D
1. Is painful, haven't had skin prob, so don't use anything. They sell special products (Amazon)
2. I've not seen temp issues after 3 days use in front pocket. Jury's still out on this one.
3. Anywhere you find soft tissue
4. 3u would be a lot for me - with cgm, I split meal boluses constantly on a TDD of approx 20u
5. Keep in front pants pocket & roams in bed. In search of good clip/holster. Used cheap phone case for awhile, eventually came part as little one uses me for jungle gym.🙂
6. I don't mind being reminded when on tbr - prob because of occasional days being bombarded by cgm alerts
Right -- tried a lanyard round yer neck under yer shirt? - have you got the suede ones?
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