Getting started on the pump case stuff

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hiya all you pumpers!

Right, my appointment at B-Dec is on June 9th so I really need to get my bum in gear and get my whole case written out and everything sorted.

But can you guys give me some advice? I know Ange has sent me her own case for a pump which I'll use as a template. But tbh, I've only really thought of the pros of a pump, not the cons - there's the obvious ones like being attatched to it all the time, but what about the non obvious ones?

Would someone be willing to read over the statement I'm going to write?
Wing me the statement when it's done. E-mail on a PM to you.

Cons, well yes there are some.

The biggest one for me is that if somehow it fails to deliver insulin over night you become ketotic very quickly because there is not basal insulin such as Levemir to stop that from happening as only short acting is used.
Some people don't like to be attatched to a machine twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. For me that's not an issue, I just get on with it.
Wing me the statement when it's done. E-mail on a PM to you.

Cons, well yes there are some.

The biggest one for me is that if somehow it fails to deliver insulin over night you become ketotic very quickly because there is not basal insulin such as Levemir to stop that from happening as only short acting is used.
Some people don't like to be attatched to a machine twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. For me that's not an issue, I just get on with it.

cheers tom :D ping me on msn later and we can have a chat :D
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