getting on ok with pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
well I dont seem to be to bad with the pump and things have started to settle down a bit andmostley bloods in the 5.0 to 8.0 so a lot better than before starting the pump.
Yesterday was 5.5 5.2 all day and the same the day before the only one I still have the problum with is still in the mornings go to bed ok 6.6 most times but still 8.8 through night and 8.4 this moorning some times itgoes up to 13.0 dont like that but have been intouch with DNS and Dc was told last week to but Basal rate up 0.05 at 19.00 -21.00 as I had been giving corections before bed but they still dident say anything about through night and on getting up.
But other wise feeling a lot better and got more energy.:D
Well done, it seems as though you getting the results your looking for but also learning the ins and outs of basals, which will eventually end with you being a pump expert.........

So pleased to hear this - so much better than you were getting pre-pump, no wonder you feel better! I'm sure that, in time, those little anomalies will get ironed out! 🙂
pleased to hear that things are going well for you, keep us posted
Granma thats great news very happy for you x
well I dont seem to be to bad with the pump and things have started to settle down a bit andmostley bloods in the 5.0 to 8.0 so a lot better than before starting the pump.
Yesterday was 5.5 5.2 all day and the same the day before the only one I still have the problum with is still in the mornings go to bed ok 6.6 most times but still 8.8 through night and 8.4 this moorning some times itgoes up to 13.0 dont like that but have been intouch with DNS and Dc was told last week to but Basal rate up 0.05 at 19.00 -21.00 as I had been giving corections before bed but they still dident say anything about through night and on getting up.
But other wise feeling a lot better and got more energy.:D

I had a similar problem with morning levels, I significantly raised my basals from much better, worth asking your DSN about this. My highest hourly basal rates are between 4 and 7am.
well things seem to be a lotbetter this week been going to bed on 6.0 6.4 and through night 6.9 6.5 and the highest in mornings 8.0 7.9 this morning. havent had any lows.
Well today its a good day and sun shining grandkids comming to night and got car m.o.t so things lookig up might have a run off with them.
that's great news!! So pleased to hear you're getting on so well with the pump and you seem to have nailed those morning highs too 🙂

Keep up the great work! and enjoy your fun-filled day :D
That's brilliant news 🙂
Pleased for you Grandma ! You havnt had it that long realy ! Am over at easter again & will have to have another meet in Cumbria ! 😎
looking forward to easter let me know when you will be there and ill get there things are looking up with this pump go back to the hospital on 15th march and have been sending print out off pump every 2 weeks havent done anyother changes just yet as was told to leave it so havent done any extended bolus or multiwave yet i have a review on the 25th april at the hospital with the rep and as far as i can make out think they will go through all that then seems to take a long time with this lot but i gess slow and steady is the key🙂
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