getting my blood glucose levels down

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I was diagnosed with type 2 in september last year. My HbA1c was 95. I was put on Metformin and Gliclazide. I put myself on a low carb diet and managed to get my blood glucose levels down to around 6 or 7 - I was quite pleased with myself ! A follow up blood test at xmas showed my HbA1c had come down to 45 so my diabetic nurse took me off Gliclazide but started me on Atorvastatin to get my cholesterol levels down. Since then I can't seem to get my blood glucose below 9 and its normally 10 or 11 ! Ive got another blood test scheduled but wondered if anyone had any suggestions to help get my levels down or am i worrying unnecessarily ?
Well done on getting it down to 45!

One thing I have found is that a brisk walk 30 minutes after eating seems to keep my levels down - this week I have been walking to work, going for walk at lunchtime and then walking home and I'm seeing nothing more than 6. I generally don't go for a walk after dinner in the evening, as I find that I don't see a rise in the evenings.
It maybe that having come off one of the medications you need to re-evaluate your meals and start to do some before and after meal testing to see if there are now some problem foods. The gliclazide will have encouraged your pancreas to produce more insulin so you body was able to cope with more carbs than it now can.
How your body responds will have changed so you may need to tighten up on your carb intake now to keep at the same level with your blood glucose.
The statins will have increased you BS by about 1 mmol or so. Were they prescribed on the basis of your various lipids ratios i.e. HDl, LDL etc or just the Total? The latter is not the best measure.
Welcome to the forum @lanch

Hope you can manage to find a balance between your new meds and your menu. I think @Leadinglights suggestion of using a BG meter to check before and after meals to adjust any which are raising your levels by more than 2-3mmol/L is a very practical way forward.

Good luck and let us know how you get on 🙂
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