getting insulin pump

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i was on a waiting list to get an insulin pump for about 2 years and today i got a letter to go see the consultant about it on the 17th of this month. Can people who have pumps tell me they are worth it? to be honost im kinda scared about the whole thing!
I think you might get more replies in the Pumping section, as your post will stay at top for longer.

Over to Pumpers...
I've had my pump since June 2004, it's the best thing I ever did. Improved control, better quality of life, and now 2 healthy children that I would never have dared have while on MDI.

It can seem scary and confusing, and there's a lot to learn at first, but it's *so* worth the effort!

Good luck 🙂
Hey, I'm just in the process of getting funding in place for a pump and have been using a loan pump from my hospital since September.

I love it. I love that I can have different amounts of basal throughout the day and night. I suffered with morning hypos and dawn phenomenon for ages, and using the pump I have banished them both!

Do you know which type of pump you will go for? The one I am using now is a Medtronic. I find the sets easy to insert and there's very little pain involved.

It is a lot of hard work but the rewards are definitely worth it. Come back and ask us all the questions you like! I also love the different bolus features, ie dual/square wave (a little up front with the rest spread over a certain amount of time/the whole bolus spread over a set amount of time). It means I can eat things like pizza and pasta and not go high for hours afterwards.

It's fine to be scared 🙂 but don't worry - you have loads of people on here willing to help 🙂
Yes they are worth it...

They aren't a magic wand that will turn your control around overnight and they are only ever going to be as good as the user...

But they do give a lot more flexible control can be used in both pro-active and a re-active manner... There is a learning curve at the begining, some find this to be quite steep other find it not so bad... But the more you use the pump the better and easier it gets...

But at the end of the day, if it's being offered to the oportunity to try it out, if you find that after using it, it's not for you then you can always hand it back and return it... Be warned though there aren't many that hand their pumps back
I think Ellie has struck a really good point - they aren't a magic wand and they won't make diabetes all of a sudden easy or perfectly manageable. They are just another way of administering insulin.
A pump can seem hard work, when you first get started, but they really are great once you get sorted. They would have a big fight on their hands if they ever tried to take me off it. I think you would really find benefit from one.
Definately worth it :D And honestly is hard work to start off with , but hard works pays off 🙂
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