Getting hold of new stuff without bothering doc

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok, so I'm gunna need to get some new bits off doctorman. However, I don't really fancy having to make an appointment just to go add some bits on my script and take some off.

So will they accept a note scribbled with the codes for the stuff on?

I need to get the bayer contour strips (200 p/m though I'd like to up in a bit as I like to have at least a box in reserve just in case)
And the optium ketone strips (I tried them out and loved them! even if they did tell me i had trace ketones the other morning)

will they accept this? Also with a bit on the bottom asking nicely if he can take some bits off?

Also, does anyone know what the lancet with the bayer contour usb will be like? I really want some of them multicoloured lancets!
Hi Sam, I usually just add a note to my repeat about requested changes - it's better for the doctor if he doesn't need to see you for such things as it's normally written up by a minion and signed for by the dr.
Cool i'll write him a little note and stuff it in an envelope for tomorrow then

Dear awesome doctor man, because you are awesome please can I have...


lol minion :D
Hi Salmonpuff

Works for me- I write a note explaining any changes and tell them to ring me if there is a problem - they seem OK about it. I get 3 months repeats, with each repeat giving me two months supply- that includes strips, lancets and the needle tips for my Byetta and now the Byetta pens too. The latter took some persuading as the pharmacy won't take back pens issued even if they are unopened which I can understand and they work out a bit pricey. Pays to be firm with them- way I look at it is that if I play ball and turn up for my checks, why deny me the stuff I need?😉

PS They gave me a free Contour monitor a few months back (yes free and to a T2😱) and it too has those coloured lancets- cool, although I can't work out which colour gives me the lowest readings :D This is not the new USB one although I did get the free USB cable on offer on the website and finally got it to work but can't make head nor tail of half the stuff it produces so went back to using a plain spreadsheet😉
Hi Salmonpuff

Works for me- I write a note explaining any changes and tell them to ring me if there is a problem - they seem OK about it. I get 3 months repeats, with each repeat giving me two months supply- that includes strips, lancets and the needle tips for my Byetta and now the Byetta pens too. The latter took some persuading as the pharmacy won't take back pens issued even if they are unopened which I can understand and they work out a bit pricey. Pays to be firm with them- way I look at it is that if I play ball and turn up for my checks, why deny me the stuff I need?

PS They gave me a free Contour monitor a few months back (yes free and to a T2😱) and it too has those coloured lancets- cool, although I can't work out which colour gives me the lowest readings :D This is not the new USB one although I did get the free USB cable on offer on the website and finally got it to work but can't make head nor tail of half the stuff it produces so went back to using a plain spreadsheet😉

oooh the multicoloured lancets, yeah I wanna see them! But the lancing device the thing comes with looks a little scary to it big? it looks big 😱
hi there

i have a bayer breeze 2 with the multi coloured lancets, i wondered why they were multi coloured too so i had a discussion about it with hubby and he thinks its in case you leave the lancet in,you know then that it is a used one and you don't use it again.

although i don't leave them in anyway. i thought that the different colours were cool and were multi coloured to make you smile.

I think it depends on the surgery - some insist on you speaking to or seeing a Dr others are a bit more relaxed for things other than medication.

Certainly I had to speak to a Dr about a prescription for test strips when I first started on insulin. I was initially told I had to have an appt - suggestions on speaking to the hospital didn't help and was told to call again on the Monday. Fortunately on the Monday they decided I did not have to go in and someone could call me......

I hope you get what you are after
i change graham meter and i did not have to explained why😉
Every time anyone wants to make a change we HAVE to see a doctor or the nurse. It varies from GP surgery to GP surgery, so I'd suggest phoning and asking the nice (if you're lucky) recpetionist what she thinks, and then as you have her as a captive audience, if you need an appointment you can make one!
when i changed onto levemir, i took him a slip of paper from the nurse. Didn't need to see him at all.

Note written. Asked really nicely for the mulicoloured lancets and even put the pip codes on. Evem asked him super nice if he could take loads of stuff off for me :D
Good luck, hope you get everything you need minus the stuff you don't need.
I got the receptionist at my surgery to change my strips and add lancets to my repeat. No problem.
Hi Sam, I know this is nothing to do with your post but just wanted to say welcome back to the forum. I'm glad you changed your mind and returned after all who else would be able to keep me informed about characters from Final Fantasy if you weren't here? 😉
Hi Sam, I know this is nothing to do with your post but just wanted to say welcome back to the forum. I'm glad you changed your mind and returned after all who else would be able to keep me informed about characters from Final Fantasy if you weren't here? 😉

well come the 9th march there will be even more final fantasy fangirling going on on my part 😉 the new one is coming out 😱:D
Works for me just adding a note to the repeat. The Dr once called to check they were prescribing the right pen.

Alternatively some surgeries offer phone calls instead of actual appointments. My current one doesn't and it's annoying because they can be really useful.
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