Getting back on track

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I haven’t been on here for a while as other life events and health conditions got in the way. I have a T2 diabetes review and hba1c test in mid-May. Hoping that the results are OK (45 last time). Having followed a low carb diet, I have been letting my carb levels creep up (esp bread) and eating chocolate! I realise this is comfort eating, due to a stressful time, including a minor op and a wait for test results. However, it’s time to get back on track by cutting back on bread and leaving out the chocolate! There are some positives. My BMI has come down to 22.6 and my diet is much healthier than it was, thanks to advice on this forum.
I hope it goes well when you have your review but yes do watch the bread but the odd square of dark chocolate should be OK. ALDI do some nice ones Moser Roth.
We all have wobbles @AllThings, especially when the going gets tough. I had a hernia op last October and self-medicated on soup and toast and chocolate digestives. When my old dad died 5 days later, the toast portions got bigger! I''m back on top of it now, but it can be hard going.
Really well done on turning things around, and best of luck for your next hba1c x
We all have wobbles @AllThings, especially when the going gets tough. I had a hernia op last October and self-medicated on soup and toast and chocolate digestives. When my old dad died 5 days later, the toast portions got bigger! I''m back on top of it now, but it can be hard going.
Really well done on turning things around, and best of luck for your next hba1c x
Thanks so much, @Vonny for your encouragement. So sorry to hear you have been through the mill. Condolences on the loss of your Dad. You are so right, can we can all have wobbles.Good to hear that you are back on track.
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Thank you everyone for your encouragement and support. My latest hba1c results came back at 43, so still pre-diabetic but heading in the right direction. All this despite wobbles in the journey. This forum has been such a help in getting me from hba1c results of 50 then 52 then results of 45 then 43.
Very well done on keeping going despite the wobbles. Give yourself a big pat on the back 🙂
Very well done on keeping going despite the wobbles. Give yourself a big pat on the back 🙂
Thanks @Vonny! Really appreciate your support.
Many congratulations on achieving a reduction despite the difficulties you have faced recently. Well done! I hope you feel suitable proud of that result! Maintaining reduced HbA1c long term is probably the hardest part so you really have done well to knock a couple of points off.
Many congratulations on achieving a reduction despite the difficulties you have faced recently. Well done! I hope you feel suitable proud of that result! Maintaining reduced HbA1c long term is probably the hardest part so you really have done well to knock a couple of points off.
Thanks so much @rebrascora!
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