Getting Back on the Wagon

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I’ve been away from here for a while, my story was diagnosed T2 at the back end of last year with a reading of 94. I subsequently shifted a load of weight (about 4 stone) bringing me down to a reading 3 months later of 39. A job well done, big pat on the back…..

Yeah you could probably see where this was going, 6 months later I’m 5 stone heavier and all the symptoms have come back to say hello, I’m sending a blood sample off to see what that reveals, I’m not expecting great news.

I’m not posting this as some sort of self pitying tale looking for sympathy, it’s entirely been my (bad) choices that have taken me to worse than when I started. I’m posting this to show that this can happen, you can believe your own hype and you can fall off that wagon. Often I found this forum can be a bit full of good news stories that can lead people to beat themselves up, most of us end up here scared and confused. So here’s a bad news story, I’m real, we’re all real, we can wallow in self pity or we can get back on it.

I’m an idiot, don’t be me, if you are then do what I’m doing now, pulling my head out, taking responsibility and sorting it out.

See you in 3 months….
You are certainly not the only one, I have seen it many times when people 'go on A DIET' which is why I hate that word they achieve their target and don't maintain it. That has consequences if diabetic, whatever you do to get your blood glucose and weight to where it needs to be, has to be enjoyable so it just becomes your new way of eating.
Get back on track, you know you need to do it.
Check this link for some ideas for a low carb approach
Sorry to hear about the weight you have regained, but good for you, for realising what has been happening and being determined to make a fresh start.

You’ve done it before, so you clearly had the determination and stickability to make some significant changes, and impressive weight loss last time. And now you can see how things have drifted a little since. You can’t change what happened in the past, but you can change direction, and rediscover your diabetes-splatting mojo :D

Good luck with your restart - and keep us posted with how you get on 🙂
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You did the "Newcastle Diet" the first time around?

Was there any trigger that made you move into overeating again?

I lost 5 stones myself, but it had taken me years to put those on in the first place.

Even if I go back to eating how I did previously, I wouldn't regain it in six months, that's nearly a stone a month, around an extra 1500 calories a day, every day for those months.

Was there any specific food, or drink that you can focus on keeping out of your maintenance diet, anything that is especially calorie intense?
Anything that you could plan substitutes for?

I'm certainly no saint, my weight fluctuates, but, like you, I've done it once, I can do it again, I have times when I eat more, then I'll simply balance it by eating less as well.

So sorry to hear you have slipped off the wagon and landed with a bit of a bump by the sound of it and then got left behind. It is good that you have come to the forum to post as acknowledgement is the first step towards addressing the issue and as you say, it may also help others come forward and acknowledge that they too have slipped. I have certainly Yo-Yo dieted in the past and it is frustrating.
Like @Leadinglights, for me it has to be a sustainable new way of life for life. I have to enjoy my food rather than feel restricted and that involves staying low carb but finding foods that I can indulge in and enjoy which make be feel like I am having a treat. My morning coffee with cream is just such a pleasure and eating really nice cheese with half an apple or having the occasional packet of pork scratchings and a gin and slimline tonic or rum and coke occasionally. You may not like any of these things but finding treats that you do like which are low carb really can help you sustain it and most importantly stops the cravings.

I also wonder if, having achieved your wonderful weight loss and HbA1c reduction, moving away from your support group (and accountability to a certain extent) here on the forum, allowed you to lose focus and let things slip. I am not saying that the forum has any magical powers but it does help to keep your mind on what needs to be done and a bit like weight watchers or whatever, there is an element of peer accountability when you get weighed or with diabetes, blood test results.

Anyway, I wish you lots of luck with your new seat on the wagon and hope you will be back into the driving seat before long. You have done it before, so you know that you can do it again, you just need to find a way to maintain it and if you slip off, try to get back on the next day.
You did the "Newcastle Diet" the first time around?

Was there any trigger that made you move into overeating again?

I lost 5 stones myself, but it had taken me years to put those on in the first place.

Even if I go back to eating how I did previously, I wouldn't regain it in six months, that's nearly a stone a month, around an extra 1500 calories a day, every day for those months.

Was there any specific food, or drink that you can focus on keeping out of your maintenance diet, anything that is especially calorie intense?
Anything that you could plan substitutes for?

I'm certainly no saint, my weight fluctuates, but, like you, I've done it once, I can do it again, I have times when I eat more, then I'll simply balance it by eating less as well.
Sorry for the late reply, I think the trigger was the “good” blood result combined with just some general self destructive habits that I probably need to get some assistance with (I even stopped taking my metformin for a while whilst knowing I should, absolute stupidity on my half). I’m very good at losing weight, sadly I’m even better at putting it on, which leads me to think “I can drop weight fast so yeah, we’ll start again Monday/on the 1st/after my 40th/in the New Year”……you get the idea.

Maybe the timing didn’t help, I’ve been away from home a lot this year, in fact the first day was the day I got my reading of 38, so living in hotel rooms miserable with the highlight of the day being what I’m eating or eating out of boredom on the long drives, so I do need to take better care of myself, improve the work/life balance and my mental health. Having said that I’ve never been force fed anything, everything that’s gone into my system has been my choice so ultimately I need to make better choices!
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