Getting back in control


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Morning all. Something I didn’t share on my thread about my appointment was how much I’ve lost control of my diabetes. With all the other traumatic events that have gone on this year, mainly related to my dad being ill, diabetes has taken a back seat and I’ve gone with just surviving.

The libre stats were
  • A1C libre estimate 65, actual 63
  • Variability 22% target under 36%
  • Average bg 11.1, not sure what target is but under 10 I imagine
  • Time in range 36% target 70%+
  • Time hypo 0% target under 4%
  • Weight -5kg this year, ish. Target -3kg by weigh in next month
So it’s time to take back control. I’ve started with a Lantus increase of 10%. I’ve not been counting carbs properly or correcting between meals in ages so probably need to consider that too.

Attached a couple of graphs, today looks like an improvement so far, not bothering with breakfast today though. His advice was to cut carbs more to help with weight loss and BGs, I really struggle with this as too low carbs makes me really grumpy and headachey, but so many professionals have advised it that I’ll try and give it another go


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Morning @Lucyr . You have been dealing with a lot so it is understandable, and at times our D gets pushed into the background. Well done for keeping the basics going.

Take things step by step as you make a new start.
Just surviving is sometimes all we can manage @Lucyr. I hope you get back in control, but be kind to yourself as well xx
Morning all. Something I didn’t share on my thread about my appointment was how much I’ve lost control of my diabetes. With all the other traumatic events that have gone on this year, mainly related to my dad being ill, diabetes has taken a back seat and I’ve gone with just surviving.

The libre stats were
  • A1C libre estimate 65, actual 63
  • Variability 22% target under 36%
  • Average bg 11.1, not sure what target is but under 10 I imagine
  • Time in range 36% target 70%+
  • Time hypo 0% target under 4%
  • Weight -5kg this year, ish. Target -3kg by weigh in next month
So it’s time to take back control. I’ve started with a Lantus increase of 10%. I’ve not been counting carbs properly or correcting between meals in ages so probably need to consider that too.

Attached a couple of graphs, today looks like an improvement so far, not bothering with breakfast today though. His advice was to cut carbs more to help with weight loss and BGs, I really struggle with this as too low carbs makes me really grumpy and headachey, but so many professionals have advised it that I’ll try and give it another go
Was not sure what emoji to use but picked the heart just to wish all the best and love the fact you have come to self realisation that perhaps you need to try a different approach.
Really hoping it all works out well for you and virtual hugs
I think there are a lot of positives in those results @Lucyr like the variability being just 22% and 0% hypos and 5kg weight loss. Yes, there is always room for improvement for all of us, not just you, but it is a balance with life and your life has been pretty traumatic recently, so I don't think those results are too bad at all considering your circumstances, but it is good to take stock and decide to be a bit more proactive if you feel you can now give it a bit more focus.
I imagine your recent Type 1 diagnosis has perhaps given you the impetus to want to improve things a bit more. I think having good support and understanding from your medical professionals can make an enormous difference to how you approach your own diabetes management and sadly there are far too many medical professionals still who don't realise how their negative approach can influence the patient and I think there is much more of this in their approach to Type 2 patients compared to Type 1s.