Getting a pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am wanting some advice on getting a pump I have done a fair bit if reading about them and feel it would help me control my diabetes better as I work shifts and work in an environment that I can't always drop things to deal with the inconvenience that is diabetes, I can often have blood sugars of 2 before realising I am having a hypo! Which worries me greatly!

When I last saw my consultant a flippant comment was made in a general conversation that because I'm sensible I would be fine on mdi however I havnt broached the subject of a pump with my doctor and wondered how I go about this? And what my chances are of getting a pump

I look forward to hearing your responses 🙂
Hi, you would be eligible for a pump if you meet the NICE guidance:

Basically, either you are unable to get your Hba1c under 8.5%, or you can get a lower Hba1c BUT only by suffering "disabling hypoglycaemia" which they give a wide definition for, including hypo unawareness causing anxiety.

The next step is for you to ask your Consultant to prescribe you an insulin pump. It might be useful to "make your case" - make a list to give him of all the problems you are currently having and how these would be helped by using a pump. For example (based on what you've said about your work), a pump would give you the ability to set basal patterns suited to your shift work.

If your consultant fobs you off or refuses, contact INPUT for advice (the consultant HAS to follow the NICE guidelines).

Good luck! 🙂
Hi Nic. I love my pump & would NOT give it back. If i where you i would get my name on one. You are in charge with a pump not the insulin you took x hours earlier. Nothings perfect but. Good luck
Thank you I have an appointment with my consultant in January so am going to out my case forward then as I am struggling with work and have even had to consider getting a different job due to struggling with hypos which I don't want to do as I am happy where I am! Thanks for your advice I will definatly try 🙂
Hi Nic

I have had mine since 19 November and (apart from some teething probs, mostly of my own making) I love it to bits.

What I did was to test frequently over a period of a month and kept immaculate records on a diary (I used a spreadsheet) and these proved that I need much more basal in the mornings than the afternoons - can't be done on MDI and also I was having frequent hypos in the afternoons when I needed less. My Hba1c was 6.5 which didn't qualify me, but the hypos did. I could have told them that, but the records did prove what I was saying, plus they convinced them that I would be willing to put the work in!

Good luck.
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