Get your hankies ready ...

These were powerful and touching letters. I'm 50 years old and regardless of age and situation regarding Diabetes people should read these.
I thought Lauren’s was very powerful
They seem, for the most part, to be quite positive about meeting challenges and overcoming them and gaining resilience, which is a good thing.

It's interesting how people personify "their diabetes", though perhaps this is simply a literary device (though I do sometimes see it mentioned elsewhere). I must admit I don't think of "my diabetes" as a thing, it's just me. But what do I know 🙂
It's interesting how people personify "their diabetes", though perhaps this is simply a literary device
I think that was part of the exercise.
It’s harder to write a letter to part of yourself.
Thanks for the warning @helli . i was glad I had tissues to hand.

A friend was asking what it is like to live with T1, and I decided to send her Lauren’s letter.
I shall come back to these again.