get into DESMOND now!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi to everyone,
Just thought i would let you know that i went to my 1st of 2 "DESMOND" classes on monday and it was great if you get the chance to do it please do, don't let anyone tell you any different, it was such a good thing my sister and myself couldn't fault it in any way, yes there was talk of complecations but then we had a really good laugh about some things but, all in all we learned so much and, however much you think you know about our condition theres always somethings we don't know! I'm an astablished diabetic and i learned a lot so you who are recently diagnosed ask about the "DESMOND" program you won't be sorry believe me !
web-site address is

GOOD LUCK best wishes lynn x:
Glad to hear it was useful Lynn. Most people who go on these courses tend to enjoy meeting others with diabetes and having a laugh with them.
Which professionals were running the course?
what was the stance on testing for type 2's?
Hi Lynn

I went to a Desmond course a couple of months ago. Very well presented and I learnt a great deal about my newly acquired condition.

I also recommend it to all 'Type2ers'

What was especially useful was sharing experience with others, as well as realising it could be a lot worse. A couple of people were very much in denial, but by the end of the day had realised they had to take it seriously.

Have fun

Glad to hear it was useful Lynn. Most people who go on these courses tend to enjoy meeting others with diabetes and having a laugh with them.
Which professionals were running the course?
what was the stance on testing for type 2's?
Hi, sofaraway
Thanks for your reply we had a specialist diabetes nurse a dietition and a nutritionalist, we had fun playing games like guess the amount of sugarlumps in certain foods and drinks we were all very suprised when a pack of jelly contained 32 lumps of sugar we all knew it would be quite high but that shocked all of us ! best wishes & kind regards lynn x
Hi Lynn

I went to a Desmond course a couple of months ago. Very well presented and I learnt a great deal about my newly acquired condition.

I also recommend it to all 'Type2ers'

What was especially useful was sharing experience with others, as well as realising it could be a lot worse. A couple of people were very much in denial, but by the end of the day had realised they had to take it seriously.

Have fun

Oh and sorry i forgot to mention about the testing for T2's they just advised to test b4 meals but not to bother after they said it doesn't really make a lot of sence to test after meals but then if you have eaten something your not sure is going to make you BG levels too high how, are you to find out without testing, that was my question and i was told thats different if your worried then by all means test, there was of course the mention of cost of test strips and we all agreed that we should only test when we fel we really need too, we were also told that the strips cost the NHS more than a lot of other medications etc. But then i think we already knew that but we can't help but test if we are concerned about our health. best wishes lynn x
Hi Lynn

I went to a Desmond course a couple of months ago. Very well presented and I learnt a great deal about my newly acquired condition.

I also recommend it to all 'Type2ers'

What was especially useful was sharing experience with others, as well as realising it could be a lot worse. A couple of people were very much in denial, but by the end of the day had realised they had to take it seriously.

Have fun

Hi John,
Thanks for your reply so glad that you enjoyed it, yes there were a couple of people who were in denial at the meeting but as you said they seemed to happier afterwards, one of the males there had only been diagnosed foa few weeks and he looked really worried bless him but, he went away with a smile and said it had given him a different outlook on what diabetes actually is, i was diagnosed 7 years ago and i only wish this wonderful project could have been around then it, would have been so much easier for me than it was but, its here now and i can't praise it enough can't wait till monday.
best wishes and kind regards lynn. x
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