general help

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
been diagnosed 2 weeks ago as type 2 at age 58.being a guy dont do doctors very well as wife will testify.i now have doctors and nurses coming out of my perverbial backside all trying to bombard me with information.After years of dealing with doctors and hospitals because our son,who we lost at 17,had cystic fibrosis.Its a bit overwhelming going from nobody listening to you,after the wife forces me upto the surgery,to suddenly everybody wants to put their 2 penneth worth in and i feel like i need some space.My oldest son from my first marraige has been type 1 since he was 14 and hes now 40

Welcome to the site and glad you vented. It can be very overwhelming. I think you have had information overload - which is good! As you will read on this site there are many newly diagnosed that have had no information at all. I think it is a case of taking a deep breathe, sitting back and taking it onboard and slowly and reading through some of the posts on this site and the information you have been given. Try to rationalise it and then take on board what you want to do. It is your condition. Good luck and please continue posting, asking questions, or even just having a rant - that is what this board is all about.🙂

thanks.Not so much a rant as a feeling of overload.Having spent years dealing with doctors with our sons illness and being honest some of them are so arrogant its untrue i dont wish to spend the rest of my life dealing with them so the least contact i have the better.I'm not stupid enough to think i can do without them but most doctors seem to treat you according to the latest trend and doctors should take more note of what you tell them regarding your illness than typing in at the computer.One of the doctors at our surgery diagnosed a siatic nerve problem without looking at the rash he was told about only for the wife to get another doctor to confirm her diagnosis of shingles.
Welcome to our little bit on the net. I was diagnosed 12 months ago and I'm still learning all the time. Whatever you do dont rush things. Take your time taking it all in. Diabetes is different in everybody and what is good for you may not be good for somebody else..So whatever you do....DONT PANIC! 🙂
blood tests

Thanks jenus.Went to see diabetic nurse yesterday and asked for machine to do levels.I'll talk to the doctor and see what he says because of the costing was the reply.I then pointed out that if the surgery was putting cost before my health maybe i should change suddenly a machine appeared with a repeat prescription in all under 5 mins later.
Well done. I think the statistic is that we Type 2 diabetics will spend about 3 hours per year with a health care professional on diabetic related issues so as you get settled into your routine and know what affects you I hope you'll find the balance works for you

Good luck and welcome to the club
Thanks jenus.Went to see diabetic nurse yesterday and asked for machine to do levels.I'll talk to the doctor and see what he says because of the costing was the reply.I then pointed out that if the surgery was putting cost before my health maybe i should change suddenly a machine appeared with a repeat prescription in all under 5 mins later.

In many regions, your experience seems the norm. It is a great shame when you wish professional help you have to be 'stroppy' .

The more I read on this forum, the more I appreciate my local practice.

Keep at it, your stable health is important to you and those around you.
i posted on here a few weeks ago, as I am also new ly diagnosied, and seem to be having issues with my GP. She is more concerned about my weight then actually treating me for Type 2. I know that weight is an issue, but after 6 months of this being the focus, it's getting a little tiring. But as you can see from the other posts, and threads on here, you can pick up tips and advise from everyone. It is a struggle, but you'll get through it.
I also spent a lot of time back and forth from the hospital for years, and when you suddenly think its over, and end up going back again, it is frustrating. Good luck and it will all be alright in the end
The important thing is to stay in control of your own treatment. Don't get pushed into anything you don't want and push (as you did) for anything you do want.
I was diagnosed (Type 2) 4 years ago and decided to alter my lifestyle rather than go straight onto medication. One of my relatives took the other route. In both cases we looked at what we wanted and pushed, as a result we both feel that it is us controlling the condition, rathert than the other way around.
One thing I found helpful was the book 'Diabetes for Dummies'. It helped me understand (in simple terms) what the professionals were getting at.
Keep smiling and get on top of Diabetes and you will be the winner.
In many regions, your experience seems the norm. It is a great shame when you wish professional help you have to be 'stroppy' .

I have to second this. I was at Lewisham hospital until 2007 when I moved out of the borough to Greenwich. I had had such bad experiences at Lewisham that I didn't even bother getting referred to my new local, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, until about a month ago. And that was only because my GP was concerned about my Hba1c (7.7%). I'm so grateful that he got me in and got me a referral because the QE team are absolutely fantastic. They got me onto a DAFNE course within a month and I finally feel in control of my diabetes.

If you're not happy with the people treating you, I urge you to find out if there's somewhere else you can go. It might take a couple of tries but once you find a good team, it's so worth it.
Ive been diagnosed just over 2yrs and Im on my third hospital!!

I have to travel a little further but its the best thing i ever did! They have dedicated diabetes centre, i always see the same people and they listen to what i want and treat me as me, not just as a diabetic.

If you have issues with the people "caring" for you, id definately shop about a bit 🙂

Guys having gone to my doctor cos the wife had already guessed i was probably diabetic he put me on the scales told me I'd put on weight but 2 days before the QE in Birmingham told me I'd lost about 10-12 lbs since my last visit.Now my scales and trousers tell me I've lost weight so the doctor then said his scales could be wrong and trust only my scales,which i did anyway.I find doctors follow the same patten,give up smoking so when you do that they then tell you your overweight but point out its healthier than being a smoker,wow no s--t sherlock.It seem doctors are like the police they have a knack for stating the obvious
I dont know anybody skinny or just eating lettuce leaves,except pet rabbits, dont let it get you down.My wife changed our diet and weight is coming off.Keep smiling.
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