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Hi Everyone,

Just wanting to pick your brains! I have a great interest in family history but this has now extended to wanting to know their medical family history. We have found that both type 1 and type 2 diabetes has run through my husband's family for the past three generations. I have tried going back further but the problem is most of the death certificates do not actually specify the cause of death as diabetes. Has anyone got any brights ideas for me?
Hopefully diabetes wasn't cause of the deaths! Diabetes is not after all a death sentence if it is well looked after.
Chances are though going back that many generations diabetes would have probely killed them because they wouldnt even know they had it.
My Grandma thinks her grandma had it, but who knows.
Its one of the things that will worry me when i want children, i wouldnt want to pass it on.
My husband died 2 years ago and it did actually mention that diabetes caused the heart disease that finally took him. However, I expect that's what they write these days. His uncle died in the 1920's I think, of diabetes, before insulin was widely available.
Its so important that people know more about it, so they know what to look for. People die of it because they never knew they had it , it is so sad.
My brother was worried he had it so he booked a test, he was so scraed he would have it that he didnt go, that was about a year ago. Last month he finally had the test, he hasnt got it, and they told him he probely would never get it, but its better to be sfae than sorry.
My genealogy has thrown up kidney disease and glaucoma. I've had 2 bouts of the kidney disease that killed my great grandfather, which are now simply treated with antibiotics. My glaucoma is controlled by drops, but my grandfather went blind. I'm so grateful for modern medicine.
My genealogy has thrown up kidney disease and glaucoma. I've had 2 bouts of the kidney disease that killed my great grandfather, which are now simply treated with antibiotics. My glaucoma is controlled by drops, but my grandfather went blind. I'm so grateful for modern medicine.
We’ve been replying to old posts from 2008
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