• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Tomorrow, tuesday, morning at 8.30am, I will be having a gastroscopy. It is the first procedure I've had since going on a pump, 3 years ago. I am so frightened of going low during it. I am going to reduce my basal level 2 hours before and for 2 hours later. I think that should do it, and what if I go low? On thursday I am having an m.r.i. Now this absolutely scares the life out of me. I have had this type of scan before but it still scares the life out of me. I feel like I am being buried alive. I know this sounds really silly but I can't get it out of my head. I know I will have to take my pump off for this but it won't take long so that'll be ok.
Hi there, I know how scary this procedure can be...I have had 3!

I am sure it will all go well, and before you know it, it will be all over and you can take a sigh of relief...Try to stay clam and the more you can relax the quicker and better it will be. Thinking of you and sending hugs your way...Ellowyne xXx
Spirit, I hope everything goes well and you don't go low. It'll all soon be over, so try to think about what you can do to reward yourself afterwards. 🙂 Could you ask a DSN for advice regarding lowering the basal?
Hope it all goes well tomorrow will be thinking of you spirit x
Will be thinking of you - horrible procedure.
Too late to be useful to Spiritfree, but for anyone undergoing a proceedure such as gastroscopy, it's vital to discuss your diabetes and medication with the team doing the procedure. Eg sometimes people on insulin who are going to undergo proceedure involving fasting, will be brought in night before, so that they can have a intravenous (IV) infusion of glucose and insulin through a syringe driver / pump.

Spiritfree - hope gastroscopy went well and MRI on Thurs will be OK. I've only had an MRI of my head for a hypoglycaemia study, which I found fascinating rather than scary, but perhaps I'm just odd.
Thanks for your replies. All went well for me, not the nurse though------ I threw up all over her. Oooopppssss sorry hahahahahahahaha!🙄😉
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