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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello. I have this massive lump on my left wrist. It's rather large, and hard and can be pretty painful sometimes. In certain positions though, it moves 😱 old doctor said its a ganglion (spelling?) and that basically there was no way to get rid of it...

but mum says if i whack it with a bible it'll go away

i don't really want to hit myself with a heavy there any other way to get rid of it? It's pretty manky tbh, but I don't want to hit myself and if large needles are involved then its a nu-uh from me!!!
OMG this has taken me back. When i was 16, i had a lump come up on my wrist and it was so painful. My mum was convinced it was a ganglion and was going to hit it with a heavy book. It was only after so much pain that my dad took me to A&E and it turned out to be a fracture!!! Just as well, my mum got nowhere near me with a book LOL!!!!!!!!

My brother had one of these removed from his wrist by the doc when he was younger.

I'm afraid he used a large(ish) syringe to drain the fluid out of it. He's not had any problems with it since then.

i like the idea of wearing a brace more than hitting it XD
A few years back I had one of these right at the base of the hand top of the wrist and it did hurt. So went to the doc and had it removed by day surgery at hospital in Aberdeen went in first thing in the morning had local anesthetic lump removed and out late afternoon.
Most large ganglions are treatable. If it is painful it is affecting your quality of life, so go get it checked. Depending on where it is and how big it is depends on if you need an operation or if it can just be drained. The operation is hugely successful.
Think this is what my brother had removed from his face. Obviously they did the op because it was on his face and not his hand. He still has a scar though!
A few years back I had one of these right at the base of the hand top of the wrist and it did hurt. So went to the doc and had it removed by day surgery at hospital in Aberdeen went in first thing in the morning had local anesthetic lump removed and out late afternoon.

Me too, it was so easy to remove and hasn't bothered me since. I can't understand why your doctor says it isn't treatable, that's nonsense.
I had one of these on my forehead, least i think it was - the word cyst was used. I was about 10 and it was operated on in day surgery and was out by the evening. Mine used to go down slightly then swell again, and hurt too.
😱 nooooooooooo i don't want an operation! I think I'd rather hit it :D
My Hannah had one removed 2 weeks ago and its healing very well. DO NOT HIT IT WITH A BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I asked the consultant the same thing about hitting it with a book, he said that if i wanted to cause damage to all the nerves and tendons in her wrist - then go right ahead!😱People used to do this - but soon found out they lost the use of maybe one finger or couldnt then bend their wrist (depending where it was) - so dont do it. My daughter was only in theatre for half an hour and hers was huge! He has kept hers as a specimen to show students!😱

Go and see a doc - they can get bigger and cause a lot of bother!😉🙂Bev x
My Hannah had one removed 2 weeks ago and its healing very well. DO NOT HIT IT WITH A BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
I asked the consultant the same thing about hitting it with a book, he said that if i wanted to cause damage to all the nerves and tendons in her wrist - then go right ahead!😛eople used to do this - but soon found out they lost the use of maybe one finger or couldnt then bend their wrist (depending where it was) - so dont do it. My daughter was only in theatre for half an hour and hers was huge! He has kept hers as a specimen to show students!😱

Go and see a doc - they can get bigger and cause a lot of bother!😉🙂Bev x

oh god are you SERIOUS???

Next time I'm at the docs, I'll have a word. I'll be back in a month or so anyway for more tablets...ick. There's a few other things I need to talk to him about too, such as the manky mole on my's got hairs in it 😱 dunno if its related to the ganglion or not, but I'd like that removed too. Ganglion is more unslightly than anything.....
Not wanting to dampen your spirits Sam, but it could be a result of RSI, when someone I know had it they changed to using there mouse at work with their left hand, they had/have weak wrists but haven't had it since using their left hand for some things, some people get very dependent on one side of their body. I guess I might be suggesting is it all the FF your doing? Is there a way to hold the controller slighty differently? I remember getting the playstation thumbs years ago! So don't think I'm trying to be a kill joy, just a thought.


PS I'vve had one before they can go of their own accord.
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