Gaining weight on healthy low carb diet

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I have had a lot of success losing weight following a low carb, 1200 cal diet but even though I have contined and use an app to track my intake I am gaining 1-2 pounds for the last couple of weeks. I do have an issue with constipation but keep it in check with fibre gel, I am not sure if this should be of concern or not. I have also noticed my skin is very dry and my hair seems to be getting thinner, I had a thyroid test in July 2022 that was OK, but I now feel really exhausted a lot of the time. I was doing so well before and only a little to lose but its going the wrong way despite my efforts. Another concern is the constipation and feeling of being full reminds me of my mums symptoms when she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, but surely I would lose and not gain weight with cancer.

I will see a GP when I can get an appointment but was awake all night worrying about this and feel like I need to fast for a couple of days to see if that helps.
What sort of percentage of carbs to fats to proteins do you have?
And as to constipation, effectively it's weight in and weight out.
Sorry to hear you’ve been gaining a few lbs despite being very careful with your calorie intake.

Hope you get the all clear for your other symptoms too, and get your mind put at rest.

Be kind to yourself
What sort of percentage of carbs to fats to proteins do you have?
And as to constipation, effectively it's weight in and weight out.
a typical day for me is about 60g of carbs, in fact the carbs are lower now over the last 2 weeks as I have completely given up porridge in favour of greek yoghurt and berries, I have no rice, no bread, no potato, no pasta, no cake, no sugary drinks, no sweets, and am under 1200 cal a day, maybe it is the constipation.

Today I have had my yoghurt and berries for breakfast, will have a chicken breast with salad at lunch and an omelette with green veg for dinner, I drink black coffee and lots of water. No longer have any alcohol or dark chocolate, it just feels like the better I eat the more constipated I become and the more weight I am gaining.
I am though a size 10 still and a healthy BMI its just worrying if the weight continues to rise
July is 6 months ago, I think it would definitely be worth talking to your GP about checking thyroid again and whether other tests may be indicated by your symptoms.

Constipation could cause weight gain prior to it clearing but then you should see a loss from going unless you're only passing a little of the retained stool at a time. I would definitely mention it to GP along with the other symptoms, but it might also be worth considering adding in a routine fibre supplement as well as taking the fybogel, especially if you used to eat wholemeal bread etc. Also make sure you are drinking lots of water as dehydration can be a cause for constipation.
July is 6 months ago, I think it would definitely be worth talking to your GP about checking thyroid again and whether other tests may be indicated by your symptoms.

Constipation could cause weight gain prior to it clearing but then you should see a loss from going unless you're only passing a little of the retained stool at a time. I would definitely mention it to GP along with the other symptoms, but it might also be worth considering adding in a routine fibre supplement as well as taking the fybogel, especially if you used to eat wholemeal bread etc. Also make sure you are drinking lots of water as dehydration can be a cause for constipation.
Thank you for replying. This is a bit gross so forgive me, but it sort of feels like liquid stool is bypassing impacted stool if that makes sense, like a splattering but the stomach cramps persist, told you it was gross but I believe I am either blocked up or hopefully not, the same as my mum as she had very similar symptoms and was investigate for repeated constipation and it was only later on (too late unfortunately) they did a pelvic scan and found the tumour on her ovary causing her issues. She was in her 70s though and had been on HRT for 20 years, so I don't think its hereditary, but it is in the back of my mind as a lot of the things she had, like gall stones and high cholesterol I have had a couple of decades before she did, I had my gall bladder removed when I was 31 , she was 52 and I developed high cholesterol in my fifties, she had it in her 70s

My sister turns 60 this year and told me that she has had a recent health check up, she has osteoporosis, glaucoma and high cholesterol, my sister had cervical cancer 30 years ago but fully recovered after a hysterectomy, they removed her ovaries as a precaution as said it can follow to that area, luckily she has been cancer free ever since. She has always been tiny and healthy, she regularly does cold water swimming in the sea, runs and is a vegan whereas I have always been the one that once I had my children went from 7 stone 10 - 13 stone plus and up and down all my life, I had a bone density scan in my thirties after a bad break to my tib and fib, and it came back normal, the sonographer told me that being heavier would help strengthen my bones, so it has one compensation. It just shows however you live your life, things can get you :(
It sounds like you have a fecal impaction.
It can shift by itself, but if it's been a few days, I'd give my GP a call and seek advice.

As to your diet, possibly more fibre, some healthy fat, and don't focus on weight and BG for a while, you may be missing some vitamins and minerals out.
You've done amazingly well, you've certainly got to a great place, you can afford to take time out for a while, get everything back on track, and address the weight loss at a slightly slower rate later on.
If there is liquid coming around a solid stool then yes it sounds like faecal impaction, I agree to call GP - you may need more laxatives for a short period of time (dismpaction regime) to fully clear out, and then you may need ongoing laxatives for a few months (as well as looking at diet to ensure sufficient fibre for long term) to retrain your bowel to keep things moving and allow the stretched colon from the enlarged stool to return to normal.

That isn't to say whether there is or is not anything else going on, but at least if you can ensure no ongoing constipation then it may become clearer if there is anything else. And as @travellor says look at vitamins and minerals as that can affect skin and hair also.
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