Gabapentin and alcohol

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Yo yo guys

I'm off to London tomorrow to meet my friend from aus, and she wants to tak eme for a beer. But, being on these gabapentins - is it safe to drink whilst taking them???? Because that would totally suck if i couldn't :(
just checked my leaflet and it doesn't say anything about alcohol, it would if we couldn't drink whilst on it.
I have drunk a few times whilst on it and not noticed and negative effects.
enjoy your day

Have a look at this on wikipedia...

Other web sites say alcohol and Gabapentin don't mix... So it looks like booze is a no no with those.

Edit: If Sofaraway hasn't had problems then I don't know what to say as I don't have any experience of those tablets personally. Sorry.
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leaflet says nothing about drinking alcohol whilst on them :confused:
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don't take my word for it, i personally haven't had any problems. My tablet leaflet doesn't mention alcohol. You could ask your pharmacist
also, i've noticed it says to not stop taking them without a doctors advice...I'm not seeing the doc until friday and i run out the day before...

plus, im taking 3 a day wondering whether to try and wean myself off them...or well...that might be a really silly thing to do

i dunno
And best to make an appointment with GP before your tablets run out... Not a lot you can do about it now, but you might have to try more than one chemist to get the prescription filled. The warning says don't STOP taking them withour doctor's advice. There should also be some advice about what to do if you miss a dose, which is effectively what you will be doing, until you can get the next supply.
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Talk to your doc, maybe they'll tell you to half the dose. You haven't been on them long, so maybe the 'withdrawal' won't be a problem.
Talk to your doc, maybe they'll tell you to half the dose. You haven't been on them long, so maybe the 'withdrawal' won't be a problem.

yeah i thought that. I cant see doc til next friday though, so gunna try and phone tomorrow and see if i can see another at the start of the week. I don't like them, and i don't want to be relying on them :(

trying 2 today and 3 just seems too much
You haven't been on them very long and only a small dose it seems so you would probably be ok. Maybe you could ring the Dr's and ask them to leave a prescription so you can get some more to last until your appointment.
I was once told by a doc & pharmacists that you can drink on almost any antibiotic type drugs (obviously not excessively:(!) (I realise this drug in question isn't an antibiotic!) but you should take the drug as normal let it do it's job by not have a drink for an hour after taking it,but then hit the town😛! Obviously I'm not recommending this or saying it is safe to do so but there could be some truth in it??? Whatever you do play safe peeps😉
Personally I don't drink when I'm on medication like that. Your liver has enough fun detoxifying the medication and if I'm honest your liver won't need the added problem of processing alcohol aswell. That said however, I'm sure that you're safe to have one or two pints. I wouldn't say go heavy on it given your current circumstances on the medication.

The main problem is that this type of drug can amplify the effects of alcohol leading to excessive tiredness or getting drunk on far less than usual. It might be sensible to try a couple of drinks tonight to see how you fare and limit yourself to just a couple (as Tom suggests) on Saturday. And keep an eye on those blood sugars!
Don't drink on metronidazole (commonest trade name Flagyl), an antibiotic used to treat eg gum infections and amoebic dysentery - it will give you the worst hangover-like feeling ever! Mind you, when I had amoebic dysentery (after a trip to Mexico), the last thing I felt like doing was drinking alcohol!
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