
John Pamplin

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I find Dexcoms claim of 30 minutes warm up compared to libres 120 min. rather misleading. Both sensors are rather unreliable for up to 20+hours after insertion, in my experience the dexcom rather more so than libre 2.
I can't help feeling commercial interests override objectivity?
Is this an inevitable consequence of mixing money and medical practice?
When I used Libre, I used to insert one the day before I needed to activate it, wearing one in each arm for that day. This allowed the filament time to settle in and I found that this gave me more reliable readings from the start. That might be worth a try.
When I used Libre, I used to insert one the day before I needed to activate it, wearing one in each arm for that day. This allowed the filament time to settle in and I found that this gave me more reliable readings from the start. That might be worth a try.

Me too.
Can't speak for G7 but find G6 very accurate from start to finish, plus find it to be more accurate at higher bg levels as where libre could be out by a fair bit.
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I simply didn't get on with L2. After 12 months of unreliability and serious inaccuracy I realised it was me, not just L2. We were not compatible. Dexcom's original One was better but not great. G7 is excellent in comparison. Warm up time often a lot less than 30 minutes and sometimes starts fairly wayward but settles quickly. I resist recalibrating it straightaway and accept the modest differential until I and my sensor are in a true steady state, then it's great for the remaining 9+ days.

However I am certain that commercial interests override everything. Particularly with Libre. When I had L2 as an only flash/scan GM, I added the unofficial app Diabox to my L2 to make it Continuous. Diabox software was free, written by folk with diabetes and made L2 so much better - simply because they understood what we users needed. The Diabox Configuration Control process was done by a small group of others, also with D and the allocated priorities to upgrades and improvements that the self-titled Diabox geek developed were always appropriate.

One example: the Diabox app displayed your BG on your sleeping phone. No having to fumble around and unlock the phone to wake it up and open the app. So sensible, so obvious. But not in Abbott or Dexcom's vocabulary; they do upgrades and produce new versions but miss this so easy opportunity to make their system more helpful. Abbott did everything they could to blatantly obstruct Diabox, even forcing it off Google play store.
When I used Libre, I used to insert one the day before I needed to activate it, wearing one in each arm for that day. This allowed the filament time to settle in and I found that this gave me more reliable readings from the start. That might be worth a try.
That's a good idea, I'll try it.
That's a good idea, I'll try it.
Doesn't help Dexcom products, unless you have a phone app and a Receiver. Once fitted their clock is ticking, regardless of whether the sensor is started.

But the outgoing G7 provides 12 hours of extra readings, which I get from my Receiver in parallel with the incoming new G7 readings. So I change my G7 sensor in the evening, which means that sensor is ended on my phone, but can be ignored IF the new sensor is not settled. Then activate it up to 12 hours later, usually first thing am, before any food or insulin. Now I can calibrate if needed and then switch rhe Receiver from the old sensor to the new one.
I’ve found the G7 incredibly accurate from the minute it starts up. Very occasionally I,’ll get issues for the first few hours but this seems to be when it’s in the same place in one particular arm - ie it’s me not the sensor.

I love the G7 and consider myself extremely lucky to have it. I use the receiver and find that brilliant too.
I ' love ' my g7. It isn't perfect but I don't think any cgms are yet!
I started with libre 1, then libre 2 before using closed loop starting with g6 and swapping to g7 about 6 months ago. I had teething problems but now I have it working well for me. All CGMs are inaccurate for me for the first 10-12 hrs. To work that out I insert new sensor before bed when my bloods are most stable and likely to stay that way during the night. I connect it to just my phone whilst my pump stays on grace period with previous sensor so its working with accurate readings and then in the morning when it looks like the readings are similar enough not to be an issue I connect sensor to my pump. Things Dexcom advised were to insert new sensor when in range and try not to calibrate for 24hrs.
On my android phone I can get my readings on my lock screen so don't need to unlock phone to see my readings.
I love the small size, the fact I technically never have a warm up period with no readings even if it means looking at my pump during the first night if I do wake and ' for me ' after the first 12hrs it is so accurate. Testing just now, g7 6.6 blood test 6.7 can't ask for better than that!
I ' love ' my g7. It isn't perfect but I don't think any cgms are yet!
I started with libre 1, then libre 2 before using closed loop starting with g6 and swapping to g7 about 6 months ago. I had teething problems but now I have it working well for me. All CGMs are inaccurate for me for the first 10-12 hrs. To work that out I insert new sensor before bed when my bloods are most stable and likely to stay that way during the night. I connect it to just my phone whilst my pump stays on grace period with previous sensor so its working with accurate readings and then in the morning when it looks like the readings are similar enough not to be an issue I connect sensor to my pump. Things Dexcom advised were to insert new sensor when in range and try not to calibrate for 24hrs.
On my android phone I can get my readings on my lock screen so don't need to unlock phone to see my readings.
I love the small size, the fact I technically never have a warm up period with no readings even if it means looking at my pump during the first night if I do wake and ' for me ' after the first 12hrs it is so accurate. Testing just now, g7 6.6 blood test 6.7 can't ask for better than that!

How do you go about getting dexcom readings on a locked phone screen, that would be so handy.
I did lose that at one point and spent ages trying to work out how to get it back! I learnt it is called a ' widget ' and a quick Google now for android you touch and hold a blank space on your home screen and ' widgets ' come up. I think I fixed it by pulling down from top of the screen and holding my finger on the dexcom reading and again options came up. Having had it on lock screen it was horrible having to unlock to see what was going on! I hope you work it out!
Also ive remembered to check in the app under profile check that ' quick glance ' is turned in, I think then if you pull down the dex icon on the top then you might be able to set the lock screen up from there!
Failing all that call Dexcom because its definitely available.
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I did lose that at one point and spent ages trying to work out how to get it back! I learnt it is called a ' widget ' and a quick Google now for android you touch and hold a blank space on your home screen and ' widgets ' come up. I think I fixed it by pulling down from top of the screen and holding my finger on the dexcom reading and again options came up. Having had it on lock screen it was horrible having to unlock to see what was going on! I hope you work it out!

Great thanks for that.
First 90 day supply completed. Biggest issues i have with the G7 is the alleged ability to pair with watch. Never pairs the first 48 hours, when it has paired it drops the connectivity when the phone isn't in range (defeats the point of direct connectivity), and there are times when you can have 3 different BG levels. Also...had a total failure to start a new sensor last night and having tried many (internet) suggestions, thought I'd call Technical Support................there is no support on Bank Holidays. Given the diabetes is 24*7 would have thought Technical Support would be 24*7 - Dexcom must have enough locations to "follow the sun" and move support on to an office where it was still working hours.
Did the sensor not pair @martindt1606 ? I had that once - it asked me to check the pairing code, etc, but it was correct. So, all I did was flick the numbers up and down and submit it again (the exact same correct number) and lo and behold it paired in seconds!
Different readings on different devices may be due to data shown may not be at same sample times on different devices? This has I think been commenced on before.
Did the sensor not pair @martindt1606 ? I had that once - it asked me to check the pairing code, etc, but it was correct. So, all I did was flick the numbers up and down and submit it again (the exact same correct number) and lo and behold it paired in seconds!
No it went straight to the main display screen with a box saying sensor failed, no alerts, remove sensor. Tried switching phone off, cleaning Bluetooth (which had a sensor showing), switching to airplane mode…. When I tried the second sensor that was recognised immediately and screen showed the 4 digit code. Must be a bad batch as tech support issued a new sensor once I gave them the lot number.