G7 Help

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My son got the g7 on Wednesday. No problems until about an hour ago when the alarm started going off on his phone and the app saying sensor
Saying sensor what @Emerald87 ? I have the G7 but I’m not sure what you were about to ask. Did the phone lose signal with the sensor? Did it say there was a temporary problem affecting the sensor? How is the sensor today?
With the G6 it it normally says sensor error wait up to 3 hours then replace.
So just wait and see what happens. You should have a manual with the starter kit which will explain things.
If it doesn't sort it's self out then change it ring Dexcom and they will send a replacement.
Saying sensor what @Emerald87 ? I have the G7 but I’m not sure what you were about to ask. Did the phone lose signal with the sensor? Did it say there was a temporary problem affecting the sensor? How is the sensor today?
Sorry, it’s saying sensor not active. He’s got up this morning and it is still saying that too
Sorry, it’s saying sensor not active. He’s got up this morning and it is still saying that too

Can you click on the Error Message to get more information about it? I use a Dexcom receiver not a phone so it might be different for you, but the receiver has options to read more details. I’ve never seen Sensor Not Active, but I’ve had Temporary Sensor Error and that alert tells me to wait 3 hours to see if it corrects itself (it always has so far). As yours has gone on longer than 3 hours, I’d phone Dexcom and replace the sensor.
Can you click on the Error Message to get more information about it? I use a Dexcom receiver not a phone so it might be different for you, but the receiver has options to read more details. I’ve never seen Sensor Not Active, but I’ve had Temporary Sensor Error and that alert tells me to wait 3 hours to see if it corrects itself (it always has so far). As yours has gone on longer than 3 hours, I’d phone Dexcom and replace the sensor.
There was no other information and nothing to click to find out. He has replaced it this morning and this one is working again.
So do I just ring Dexcom and tell them what happened? To be honest we weren’t really told much about it at his appointment when he got it
Yes, phone Dexcom and just explain what happened (when the sensor was started, when it failed, what the message said, and that you’ve replaced the sensor now) 🙂
I sound dexcom custom service to be good
Agreed, every time I'ver had anything weird happen with a sensor (or transmitter when I was using G6), I called Dexcom and they sent me a replacement straightaway. Dexcom could be one of the best companies' customer service I've ever come across, in any industry. They will be able to see your data (if you've given them persmission to) and will know that you had to stop the sensor early.
He’s not having much luck with it. First ones failed, the second he’s put on today has now came off as he’s pulled off his tshirt he’s already thinking it’s not worth having
That's a shame. I hope you both can work it out. If it helps you and your son to know, I've been type 1 for 52 years, and my Dexcom (was G6 and now G7) is probably the thing that has made the biggest difference to my overall health in that entire time. Maybe try it on your boy's tummy and get a patch that covers it?
He’s not having much luck with it. First ones failed, the second he’s put on today has now came off as he’s pulled off his tshirt he’s already thinking it’s not worth having

Do encourage him to persist @Emerald87 I adore mine. It’s fantastically accurate. Yes, he’ll take a little while to get used to it being there but it’s no different than being aware of a phone in your back pocket, or glasses, or jewellery, etc. All he needs to do is remember which arm it’s on when he’s dressing/undressing/showering. It soon becomes second nature.

Are you/he using the extra adhesive patch that comes with it? I always do and mine have survived the full 10 days and been stuck tight the whole time.
I remember he’s recently diagnosed. Sometimes that can make people reject things. It can be part of the upset and anger - for adults as well as children and teens. Like @Rodders my Dexcom is one of the best things I’ve had in my almost 30 years of Type 1.
He didn’t want to use the patch that came with it as he said it looked too much like a plaster and would have people asking questions. We’ve just ordered some clear ones from Amazon so hopefully this will help.

It took a while to persuade him to try it in the first place, but he has found it easier at school especially now he’s started to sit his exams. The first night the alarm kept going off for lows on his phone but it’s not waking him up, but it is me!
Have you had a look at the device patches and stickers on diabetes supply... www.diabeticsupply.co.uk. there are lots of different designs from unicorns to camo, sure he would find something he likes on there. I mean, they are bright and may draw attention, but to be able to personilise it may help. They have single colours too. Or, if he wants to be stealthy, he could go for the stomach
Hope you get a successful outcome when you call Dexcom tomorrow @Emerald87 🙂
Have you had a look at the device patches and stickers on diabetes supply... www.diabeticsupply.co.uk. there are lots of different designs from unicorns to camo, sure he would find something he likes on there. I mean, they are bright and may draw attention, but to be able to personilise it may help. They have single colours too. Or, if he wants to be stealthy, he could go for the stomach
I’ve ordered some clear ones so hopefully that will be better for him. Hes nearly 16 so anything bright or with images will probably not be ‘cool’ for him lol.
He didn’t want to use the patch that came with it as he said it looked too much like a plaster and would have people asking questions. We’ve just ordered some clear ones from Amazon so hopefully this will help.
The patches that come with the G6 are clear, so am surprised the G7 are any different :confused:
The patches that come with the G6 are clear, so am surprised the G7 are any different :confused:

They’re super-sticky white surrounds, like the sticky bit on the actual G7, but bigger. They’re really durable and need a bit of peeling to get off. To me, it’s a small price to pay to not have to worry about the Dexcom detaching, but, then, I’m not 16. Having said that, I actually like the white plaster look as it stops people touching it (which someone tried to do with my Libre once).
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