Fybrogel help

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have been prescribed Fybrogel and having read up on it
- there are 4g of carbs in the finer but - should I count it?
- it states that it slows the release of carbs - does anyone adapt their bolus because of this?
This is my first dose and just had a mild hypo after my meal.

Any advice welcome.
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I think the Fibogel brand has flavouring added and probably sugar to make it taste "nice" so that may well be the carbs and they would need counting obviously if that is the case.
Personally I prefer a mix of plain psyllium husk and chia seeds in a glass of water with a dash of apple cider vinegar and a dash of balsamic. Chia seeds are wonderful and contain Omega 3 fatty acids as well as a lot of soluble fibre so a bit of a superfood. I like a combination of the two and it works great for my lower gut health. I have very fast digestion, so any slowing is a bonus for me but not really noticed that effect.
I think the Fibogel brand has flavouring added and probably sugar to make it taste "nice" so that may well be the carbs and they would need counting obviously if that is the case.
Personally I prefer a mix of plain psyllium husk and chia seeds in a glass of water with a dash of apple cider vinegar and a dash of balsamic. Chia seeds are wonderful and contain Omega 3 fatty acids as well as a lot of soluble fibre so a bit of a superfood. I like a combination of the two and it works great for my lower gut health. I have very fast digestion, so any slowing is a bonus for me but not really noticed that effect.
Thanks for this.
Their definition of 'nice' and mine certainly don't correspond. I have chia seeds on my cereal in the morning but have recently slipped into having a slice of homemade bread. It may be as simple as getting back into what I know worked for me before.
@SB2015 I had it when I was pregnant and never counted the carbs. It didn’t cause any blood sugar issues for me.
Thanks @Inka . I have been given enough for a fortnight but I am struggling with the taste of it at present and the look of it is not much better. I may well get used to it, or as @rebrascora has suggested look for alternatives.
It is a bit of an unpleasant texture @SB2015 I used to pinch my nose and just get it down. I also added a dash of sugar-free squash sometimes and that helped.
I find it very pleasant to drink
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