Furosemide - Part II

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I posted about Furosemide last month but got no replies but cannot believe I am the only person on it.

Part of the telephone consultation this morning was a review of my latest blood tests taken over six weeks ago. In three months my kidney function has gone down significantly with both Serum Urea and Serum Creatinine up, and above the normal range. My eGFR is also down and below the normal range. The Furosemide has now been stopped and the blood tests will be repeated in one month. Hopefully my Kidney Function will recover as my Liver Function did when I reduced from max Atorvastatin to half max! I wish someone had called me weeks ago but am worried about the effect on Leaky Leg! If my Kidney Function recovers I will try half dose (40mg -> 20mg). I am getting beyond worried.
I posted about Furosemide last month but got no replies but cannot believe I am the only person on it.

Part of the telephone consultation this morning was a review of my latest blood tests taken over six weeks ago. In three months my kidney function has gone down significantly with both Serum Urea and Serum Creatinine up, and above the normal range. My eGFR is also down and below the normal range. The Furosemide has now been stopped and the blood tests will be repeated in one month. Hopefully my Kidney Function will recover as my Liver Function did when I reduced from max Atorvastatin to half max! I wish someone had called me weeks ago but am worried about the effect on Leaky Leg! If my Kidney Function recovers I will try half dose (40mg -> 20mg). I am getting beyond worried.
All good vibes coming your way Mikey.
Mikey I am on it but not experiencing the issues you are.
My main issues happen if I have to go out and skip a day (aka when i need to leave the house / bathroom access), fluid builds up and insulin is a pain in the backside to get right (one of the many things set out to ruining my potential unicorn days).

All my bloodwork (which is checked often) is fine with the kidney function side of things.

On 40mg as standard with full permission to double up as needed. I'm pretty good at judging when I need to do that.

Really wish I could offer you something here to help. All I can do is send huge hugs your way. Really do feel for ya mate x
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