funny sorta day!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
ok woke up midday normal at 6.2 had some lunch which was sandwich n crisps and injected appropriate insulin.
Went for stroll to shops then walked to my mums checked sugars when I got there as I thought due to the walk
They may have lowered and they had I was now 4.8 (being 3 hours afteer lunch) long time till dinner so thought
I would have snack so had few of those nairns biscuits and checked bloods again 1 and 2 hours later as I'm testing
Foods a lot at the mo!

So first hour I was 5.2 then second hour back down to 4.9! Stil long time till dinner so had couple more 🙂 so then
B4 dinner was 6.7 and had eggs n bacon so did not have insulin with it and 2 hours latyer was 5.0 ?? Can't go to bed
On that level I thought so I had an ice cream sandwich thing (15 carb) no insulin again hour later was 6.6 then 2nd hour
Back down to 6.3!!

How could I have gone down when I had no fast acting insulin in my sysyem?? I have only had to inject my novarapid
Once today and just coulnt seem to get my levels up was it coz I had very little carbs during the day or maybe the start
Of honeymooning I'm just really perplexed happy with no high levels tho god my fingers hurt lol

Any ideas? Sorry for the essay!!
Thanks x
Actually, if you'd written those fihures down with no question marks we would all be congratilating you on such an excellent day's levels!🙂 All the numbers are pretty much what a non-diabetic might see. You injected for your major carbs (sandwich/crisps) and got it pretty much spot on, then supplemented yourself with small carb snacks (probably 10-15g carbs) until your dinner. Your dinner was no-carb, so no injection needed, but lack of carbs meant that your levels went a little lower before bed. Result!

A lot of people can have a 10-15g snack without bolus insulin, so that's quite normal, and a lot of the fluctuations in your readings are minor and probably just due to meter inaccuracy or the ups and downs of a normal day. It looks like your basal is about right too as you didn't drop too low. A lot of diabetes can be counter-intuitive - not doing what you first expect - but you will gradually learn what it means for you, as an individual.🙂
My first thought is, it would seem that your basal is slightly high, because you started to trend downwards before topping yourself up with some carb snacks. It would appear that if you hadn't had those you would have dropped low. And if you don't want to be having to eat several snacks to keep yourself up then it would be worth considering lowering your basal.

However as Northener suggests it might that that as you are honeymooning and still able to produce some insulin your body can cope with producing enough insulin to cover the small snacks. So actually you wouldn't have gone low you would have just stayed steady.

Makes it complicated because either of these could be the case. Then you've got the exercise you did, the warmer weather, etc, etc. You will work it out, you are already demonstrating that you are able to understand how insulin is working and where you need to make the changes.I think you are doing really well.
Thanks, yea i was really happy with those levels! was still too low to go to bed that night so had cheeky piece of carrot cake (diabetic) and woke up today midday levels 4.4 so maybe my basal is a little off? i was taking 10 levemir once at 10am and again at 10pm, but found this was keeping my bit high so adjusted it to 15 units, so maybe i should try like 12 units to see if that keeps me steady so i dont have to have snacks to bring myself back up all the time?

I had no idea that the hot weather had anything to do with it? how does it change it exactly? think im gonna have low carb meals more often, i quite like not having to inject all the time 🙂
Heat usually increases insulin sensitivity in most people.

Usually they say not to change basal insulin doses by more than a couple of units at a time, so you went from 20 units to 30, which is quite a big increase. Trying 12 sounds a sensible idea, and then you can go from there. But try to keep the same dose for 3 days before making another change because it can take that long for things to settle down and you to adjust to a new dose.

I love not having to inject, my insulin sensitivity increases so much after playing football that i get to eat without insulin. I don't mind injecting, it's one of those things i have to do, but love it when i don't have to.
Ok i had no idea the weather influenced insulin absorption! i think i will decrease it to 12 for few days and see if its any better, thanks for the advice, yea it is nice when u dont have to inject...makes me feel normal for a little bit lol....well until the next blood check! 😱
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