Funny smell!

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Now this sounds a like a silly question but no question too silly and all that. Over the last month I continue to experience a strange smell the only way I can describe it is like the smell after spraying hair spray. It comes and goes and can happen any where but appears to happen more in the evenings. I need to check BS when I experience this but it is gone as quick as it comes.

Anyone know what I 'm on about or is this crazy :confused:
You should check for ketones as well when you get that smell..
how is your blood sugar control , it could be ketones , have u checked for them ? i get a funny smell when my blood sugar is over about 14 , if your bs is high drink lots and rest , other than that i cant think why you would get a funny smell
Ketones smell like nail polish remover, or pear drops. Do you have any ketone testing strips? If not you should ask your doctor for some. Most people have pee sticks, but you can also get blood ketone strips for use in the Optimum Xceed blood glucose meter. 🙂 What are your levels like when you check?
Have you been eating asparagus - seriously - it makes your pee smell, and it is the season for it at the mo.
hi there donnamarie i have a funny smell as well, doesnt matter how much i wash and put on deoderent i still have this funny smell about me, and it has only occured since i have been diognoised as type 2 diabetis and i do feel embarressed about it incase other ppl can smell it,i dont really know how to describe the smell, perhaps a musky smell i keep asking my husband if he can smell me lol, but he has hay fever so he cant smell me, i have put body lotion on deoderent all at the same time i might add and it still smells threw it, so i do understand wat you are saying and going through
Have you been eating asparagus - seriously - it makes your pee smell, and it is the season for it at the mo.

this is turning into an odd conversation lol!

My pee smells strong sometimes. Well...alot of the time. But its because I don't drink enough water :D
Thank you all for your replies. I'm collecting my meds today so I think I will buy some ketone testing strips. SDN did them about 6 weeks ago and all was fine but going through my meter readings I have can see I have a few high readings (i thought it was the occasional double figure readings but in fact it is more - note to self maybe need to start writing them down again)

I would also like to say that in the few weeks I have been accessing this website I think I have learned more information than I have from my consultant and SDN. x
Thank you all for your replies. I'm collecting my meds today so I think I will buy some ketone testing strips. SDN did them about 6 weeks ago and all was fine but going through my meter readings I have can see I have a few high readings (i thought it was the occasional double figure readings but in fact it is more - note to self maybe need to start writing them down again)

I would also like to say that in the few weeks I have been accessing this website I think I have learned more information than I have from my consultant and SDN. x

Hi Donna, you don't need to buy the ketone strips -all diabetics on medication for their diabetes get free prescriptions, so your doctor should prescribe them for you. They are about ?5 a pot if you buy them, but bear in mind that they only last for about 6 months after opening them and you probably won't need to use them very often so end up throwing most of them away. Obviously, if you'd rather not wait until you can get your doc to prescribe them, then go ashead and buy. If I need something else I usually just put a note on my repeat requesting the new item with a reason why I need it - you don't need to make an appointment then so it saves time.

Also, what meter do you have? Most meter companies supply free software and cables so you can download your meter readings to your computer and get to see the results on pretty graphs 🙂 So, worth giving the helpline a call!

p.s. glad to hear we have been helping 🙂
this is turning into an odd conversation lol!

My pee smells strong sometimes. Well...alot of the time. But its because I don't drink enough water :D

Hi Everyone

Silent I know what you mean about the pee but mine is (right this isnt nice) like really dark Orange/yellow ish... Now I think I know what your all gonna say it's to much sugar!!!!!

I had 3 cans of beer last night and my Blood Sugar was 8.4 which iss pretty good for me, I got up this morning @ 09.30 checked my Blood Sugar 8.9.... But me 1st pee this morning was really dark as normal.. So is that because I have to much sugar going round me system!!!!
Hi Everyone

Silent I know what you mean about the pee but mine is (right this isnt nice) like really dark Orange/yellow ish... Now I think I know what your all gonna say it's to much sugar!!!!!

I had 3 cans of beer last night and my Blood Sugar was 8.4 which iss pretty good for me, I got up this morning @ 09.30 checked my Blood Sugar 8.9.... But me 1st pee this morning was really dark as normal.. So is that because I have to much sugar going round me system!!!!

If your urine is normally dark, have you spoken to your GP about it? Are you on any medication apart from insulin? It can be a side-effect of some meds. It can also be a sign of a UTI (urinary tract infection), dehydration, or possibly a liver problem, so worth checking out. I remember I had dark urine in the months after diagnosis and my GP thought it was probably due to the Vitamin B tablets I was on. Sure enough, the colour returned to normal shortly after I stopped the course of tablets.

Always worth getting these things checked out - better safe than sorry, and if action needs to be taken, the sooner the better! It may not be bothering you, but is a sign that something is not working properly.
You wouldn't belive what Medication I'm on.... I had a Heart Attack when I was 32 so I'm on loads of other tablets including beta blockers + Blood Pressure Tablets, The list is to long for me to type on here lol... My Nurse is phoning me on Monday so I shall have a chat with her.....
Cant say I've ever experienced that, but I do a really sickly sweet taste in my mouth (like I've been out on the alcopops the night before lol) when I'm feeling rough. Just assumed it was another diabetes thing lol.
Yeah Lisa I have had the same taste its not nice... but still haven't figured out what it is lol
Wouldn't mind if I had been on the booze, fat chance on these meds :D
Up until a year ago I was a heavy drinker and I mean heavy I would drink 10 or so cans / pints whateva without a second thought.. then I moved away from where I living and within 3 weeks of moving here I was in Hospital with Gasrtic pains, they said it was due to the drinking and that I had just stopped it without weening myself of it slowly, But to be honest now its doesn't really bother me now I can go to the pub and have a Diet Coke or something it doesn't bother me that my friends are drinking pints or spirts lol anyway I'm getting to old for all that now lol
Yeah Lisa I have had the same taste its not nice... but still haven't figured out what it is lol

I sometimes get that in the morning if I've been drinking stuff with artificial sweetener in, in spite of cleaning teeth the night before. I also notice some mouthwashes have the same effect. Euck!
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