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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I was wondering whether there are any fundraising events planned? I live in Swindon and would like to start fundraising for diabetes but i dont know where to start! I am happy to volunteer or help organise car boots or anything really! Any ideas? Bev
I was wondering whether there are any fundraising events planned? I live in Swindon and would like to start fundraising for diabetes but i dont know where to start! I am happy to volunteer or help organise car boots or anything really! Any ideas? Bev

Hi Bev,

Have you seen the following section of Diabetes UK website?

I raised money by running in the Great South Run last year. It was only a few months after my diagnosis and I was really touched by how many people donated because it was something that affected me directly rather than jsut a worthy cause I was supporting. I saw it as being self-interest:D It was great so see others running for the same charity and get the cheers as I went round.

Whatever you decide, good luck!
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