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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all!

When we saw Alex's DN last week i asked about a dafne course - she said there is one for kids called 'kick off' course - but that there is no funding in Swindon for it so we dont have one! I offered to pay to go on one in another area - but i am not allowed! I would love Alex to go on one so my question is : Who (if anyone) could i contact to try to get funding for such a course?:)Bev and Alex
Try the head of your local health authority and work up, go to your MP if necessary as these things are important!
Hi Bev,

Not sure on the PCTs in the area now, I am in West Wilts, and my application for my LINK course (for deafened adults) was turned down for funding first time around, but after the hearing therapist they sent me to sent a stinking letter it was magically approved.

I think its terrible and so short sighted of the NHS not to educate patients to manage their own conditions, a little training and insight can make life so much easier and in turn ease the load [considerably] on the NHS, that the long term payback to the NHS must be many times the cost of the course.

They waste so much money elsewhere in fighting the fire, rather than preventing it.

I don't have an answer, but the head of your PCT and then your MP seems to be a good start. Diabetes UK might also be a good port of call, I've always found their helpdesk to be most efficient and helpful.

Good luck