Full of the cold, number are erratic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ugh so kid got the cold and now I have it. (Not Covid) Definitely feeling sorry for myself at the moment

How do you guys cope with being ill? Numbers have either been hypo or super high. Having to do corrections sucks but has to be done. Sleeping is terrible the past few nights. Off food but going to hit the soups today, get something in my system.
Feel like no amount of paracetamol/vapour rub/plans oil is helping. Anyone else feel like they’re hit harder with illness with T1D?
Like I know it’ll run it’s course but Christ on a bike I’m done in with it.
On the plus side not sleeping that great is forcing me to be productive and not just sit around, glossed the kitchen at 5am only been putting it off since June- Oopsie.
Ugh this week has been a write off.
I've been signed off work for the past fortnight with a viral infection - symptoms have been very similar to flu. Now on my second dose of antibiotics and I was warned that I may have a brief window of feeling better, followed by another bout of illness, which is exactly what happened midweek.

Like you, I have been having much higher average BG (around 9) and only 30%ish in range. Any adjustment to bolus has caused sudden hypos (I spiked after dinner yesterday from 8.5 to 17 and then crashed to 2.5 within an hour!) MY DSN warned not to adjust basal as it could cause further hypos.

Feels like a vicious cycle - illness causing erratic BG, which in turn is preventing me from fighting off the illness!
When I am unwell, the stress pushes my blood sugars up and high blood sugars exaggerate the symptoms of my illness.
Therefore, I focus on reducing my levels. When on MDI, I would increase my Lantus and do lots of extra testing and corrections during the day. With a pump, this is easier because I can inch up my basal hour by hour.
I am grateful I was never on Tresiba. I am sure the flat profile is great for many but it would a pest when your basal needs changed such as when ill.

So, how do I cope - do everything possible to reduce blood sugars to reduce symptoms
I’m only 6 weeks in since diagnosed with T1D on levemir and novorapid. I usually get ill around Christmas every year but this cold has hit me hard this time round. I’m right off food but forced a soup and sandwich earlier. Think the BG is high because I’m a little dehydrated at the minute, sipping away at water and a Diet Pepsi. Sickened myself with tea/coffee. Had a few hypo’s not long after taking paracetamol others I think because I’m not feeling hungry. Little and often, I do suffer from dawn phenomenon/FOTF but I either can’t keep my eyes open during the day or can’t get comfortable at night, it’s grating on my nerves, hence trying to keep a little busy. It’s definitely going into my chest now but a bit wary of taking anything other than paracetamol with numbers going on a rollercoaster aha. Maybe it’s always hit me fairly hard but I haven’t noticed as I was so unwell and underweight before being rushed to hospital + diagnosis. Sometimes we just need to know we’re not the only ones feeling this awful? And have a good old moan haha.
It’s hard being ill with Type 1 @Daisycoo and exhausting too. Keep hydrated, do little corrections if needed (little so you don’t swing high to low), sit down (activity when ill can often raise your blood sugar), try to eat even if you have no appetite. You’ll feel better that way. Test for ketones too, as needed.
It’s hard being ill with Type 1 @Daisycoo and exhausting too. Keep hydrated, do little corrections if needed (little so you don’t swing high to low), sit down (activity when ill can often raise your blood sugar), try to eat even if you have no appetite. You’ll feel better that way. Test for ketones too, as needed.
Thanks, I will do. To be honest I forgot about the ketones. So much to remember with being diabetic at the best of times. Sure it will become second nature over time
Thanks, I will do. To be honest I forgot about the ketones. So much to remember with being diabetic at the best of times. Sure it will become second nature over time

Never forget about ketones. Most of the time we can keep them at the back of our mind, but the risk is always there and when you’re ill they can sneak up on you because you assume you’re feeling rough due to the illness. Most times, you’ll test and be fine, but over the years it’s better to test 100 times unnecessarily than miss the one occasion you have them.
Anyone else feel like they’re hit harder with illness with T1D?
Yes. It is a lot harder work dealing with illness when you have T1.
As @Inka has said keep a watch on the ketones, and keep hydrated.

Have you been given sick day rules. These give you an idea of how much to increase your basal insulin (Levemir) and the bolus too if you manage to eat, especially if you develop ketones.
I am always surprised at just how much extra insulin I need.

It sounds like even in such a short time since your diagnosis you have got your head round things.
I hope that you start to feel better soon.
@Inka hecked ketones at 0.1 so safe with that. @SB2015 I don’t know sick day rules, just corrections when BG is high. I’ve never done more than 2/3 units if needed bit wary with it all still but haven’t been in the 20+ for a wee while now 🙂 levemir is already at 18 morn and 8 night. MDI which I don’t mind, minus the odd small bruise. Upping the fluids just now too. To be frank I’ve had no choice but to get my head around things, only me and the kid at home at the moment and I’ve very much a “look into everything” kind of person. This forum has been great for that 🙂
@Inka hecked ketones at 0.1 so safe with that. @SB2015 I don’t know sick day rules, just corrections when BG is high. I’ve never done more than 2/3 units if needed bit wary with it all still but haven’t been in the 20+ for a wee while now 🙂 levemir is already at 18 morn and 8 night. MDI which I don’t mind, minus the odd small bruise. Upping the fluids just now too. To be frank I’ve had no choice but to get my head around things, only me and the kid at home at the moment and I’ve very much a “look into everything” kind of person. This forum has been great for that 🙂
You are kind of doing the sick day rules. With no ketones (your reading counts as that) you just test and do corrections. It would be worth talking to your team about sick day rules. There are a variety of examples used by different teams.

It is a steep learning curve at the start!!! Keep those fluids going
You are kind of doing the sick day rules. With no ketones (your reading counts as that) you just test and do corrections. It would be worth talking to your team about sick day rules. There are a variety of examples used by different teams.

It is a steep learning curve at the start!!! Keep those fluids going
Thanks, I’ll get onto them on Monday even if it’s just for future reference. Always safer to know eh 🙂
That’s good re the ketones @Daisycoo Luckily - although you might not think so at the moment - a cold is often better than a tummy upset for ketones. It’s tiring kind of being your own nurse, but as you get better the silly old diabetes will need less attention.

I also meant to add that if you’re ever ill and feel things aren’t going well, or you simply need some advice, never be afraid to speak to someone. I’ve had to phone 111 before and they were happy to help.
Can't remember having a reading higher than 0.1 for keytones since diagnosis nearly 4 years ago. Had a couple of hours above 12mmol this evening (still have a viral infection) and keytones are 0.5, which I believe is towards the top of normal. I haven't really checked in the last few days when I have felt dreadful and BG has been high - guess it's something to add to the list!
I hope you feel better soon to @Ivostas66. Olbas and vicks are my current perfume ~ living the dream aha
In bed most evenings around 8:30pm, smothered in Vicks - I certainly am living the dream!

3 hypos today. 🙄
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