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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hey guys, As the title says, I am feeling frustrated because of lack of support from my GP/team. I have not physically see my GP or more over the diabetes nurses for close to 2 years now.

I am type 2 but was on insulin that worked very well for me. I was taken off insulin while in hospital with severe amniea due to KCD
and put on tabs. Gilpermide and Linagliptin. My bloods are now far to high. ranging from 9 m/moll to 19. I asked GP for a blood test. He said my bloods are in excellent control! This from blood test :

HBA1C Quoted Reference Range is for a non-diabetic.
Haemoglobin A1c level - IFCC standardised 42 mmol/mol [20.0 - 41.0]
Above high reference limit
Non Diabetic Range 20-42 mmol/mol

Your thoughts on this would be welcome
How often do you test your blood sugar @joss ? And when? If they range from 9-19mmol I would think your HbA1C would be higher. Could you be missing lows? Do you have anaemia or other blood conditions that might mess up an HbA1C test?

Sorry to be dim but what exactly were you in hospital with? I don’t understand that abbreviation.
I think it is meant to say CKD, just a slip of the finger, I know of the disease but not how it would affect your blood glucose. Sorry I can't offer any help, but someone else may be more knowledgeable.
Actually I think I would log my BG readings, plus keep a food diary, so that if you cannot see why you are spiking, you can at least take it to your GP (better still, your DN) and let them see it in black and white. BG before you eat, BG 2 hours from that first morsel in mouth. Morning and bedtime too. See how that goes.
Hey guys, As the title says, I am feeling frustrated because of lack of support from my GP/team. I have not physically see my GP or more over the diabetes nurses for close to 2 years now.

I am type 2 but was on insulin that worked very well for me. I was taken off insulin while in hospital with severe amniea due to KCD
and put on tabs. Gilpermide and Linagliptin. My bloods are now far to high. ranging from 9 m/moll to 19. I asked GP for a blood test. He said my bloods are in excellent control! This from blood test :

HBA1C Quoted Reference Range is for a non-diabetic.
Haemoglobin A1c level - IFCC standardised 42 mmol/mol [20.0 - 41.0]
Above high reference limit
Non Diabetic Range 20-42 mmol/mol

Your thoughts on this would be welcome
Certain types of anaemia can cause falsely low HbA1C results which could explain why although your result is normal your spot testing results are high.
There is a fruosamine test which would be more accurate if you are still suffering from any sort of anaemia.
Thank you all for your replies. @Leadinglights I suffer from Anaemia quite badly. Lots of time as in patient due requiring blood transfusion along with Ferritin infusions.Due to CKD. I have now been placed on NeoRecormon 4000 IU which has helped somewhat in the production of red blood cells.
I will mention the fruosamine test to GP and with my Nephrologist who I see later this week.
Thanks again
@joss - it is fruCosamine that needs measuring - don't want you to sound silly to your doc! 🙂
I hate to correct both of you but I think you will find it is Fructosamine

@joss. Can I ask what your diet is like and have you made any modifications to that to help control your BG levels? ie Lowering your carb intake? That can have a much more powerful effect on BG levels than many medications. Apologies if you already know this. Using your BG meter to test immediately before a meal and then 2 hours afterwards will show you if your body coped with the carbs in that meal or you need to reduce them.... if the second reading is initially more that 3mmols higher than the first, then you need to look at adjusting the carb content or portion size of the carbs in that meal and then test again next time to see if the adjustments you made were enough. Keeping a food diary alongside the readings with details of the portion sizes.... Like 2 medium slices of bread or 4 pieces of potato or 1 small Yorkshire pud or approx 20 medium sized chips or 2 serving spoons of rice. That sort of information so that you know to have less next time if your levels spike too high at the 2 hours after mark.
Once again. Thank you all for taking the time to reply. I have managed to get an urgent appointment with the diabetes nurse at hospital this week for a full revue.
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