Frustration, Gym, I believe!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everyone. Does anyone else feel like you hear so many opinions on diabetes, some able to loose weight and reverse, some all diet controlled and some with more natural ways? My gp and diabetic nurse (now Not available) have differing opinions which is not helpful and I do not trust their opinion at all.

recently I’ve been looking at Dr Fungs take on it all as well as various other blogs and medical journals about insulin resistance and fasting like Peter Attia - all sounds common sense and has helped a lot of particularly over weight people reverse. Disproving that this is degenerative disease and can get better! Something that gps and nurses don’t say and seem to just say the normal ‘solution’ “you have diabetes so take metaformin”.

Ive has type 2 For about 7 years now and it’s been all good, Diet controlled and the last 3 years gym 4-5 times a week and 2-2.5k calories a day with limited carbs and obviously no sweet things bar the odd occasion. My hbc1a has been around 40 most of this time. It’s only this year that I have been put on sitagliptin and glimeperide as I have been in the 60s.

I’m a wedding photographer so lots of 12-15 hour days shooting and at home editing. I’ve never had any symptoms of diabetes - I was told I had a fatty liver though I’m 5’5 and 54kg (uh?!!!) and “oh of course you may have Diabetes”. I’m 37 now

no one has ever come back to look at the initial problem, a fatty liver or checked if I still have that. Perhaps that’s the issue and if it’s healed up - perhaps no more insulin resistance ?

I got tired this summer if not reaching muscle mass goals and putting on weight to then tone down (ideally 9stone) and so stopped paying my trainer also to save money as I thought what’s the point ? All I’m doing is maiming now as I can’t eat many more carbs as I don’t want to increase my sugars - at the same time I didn’t realise I was eating pretty much less than 1000 calories as I wasn’t working out to need to push 2k+ - I started to feel less energetic and weird. Checking on My Fitness Pal, my calories for a normal low sugar breakfast lunch and dinner / without protein shakes with avocados and multiple snacking the average person must be below 1000 calories as those basic breakfasts with a sandwich for lunch and a normal main meal wasn’t many calories at all. Seems so many must be eating calorific things or snacking on high sugar things

so I went to see the nurse practitioner and she brought in the diabetic nurse and I had my first ever finger prick and was 4.5. She said “you know you’re not meant to drive less than 5?”. No I didn’t! I have never had an issue of low blood sugar or had any symptoms for diabetes- no going to the toilet lots, hunger, thirst etc. It’s all been fine but now I seem to have to check more regularly and scared of hypos

yesterday was the first day back at the gym. I want to stay in a good range - most of the time I’m around 7/8 when I wake up and 12/13 after my evening meal - if I’m above 13 I would take my sitagliptin and glimeperide to come down a bit, normally evening only. Why take these meds (only been on them 6 months) at 7/8. No need, so I’m only taking when high.

maybe stupidly, because I want to be low on carbs to keep sugars down I didn’t have breakfast as I was 7/8 and had more of a keto lunch with chicken, ham, avocado, cheese and was 8 before I drove and went to the gym

I did 10 mins of a brisk walk on the treadmill and chest, bi’s and tris and deltoids, but a lot lower weight than in used to as I have reduced muscle mass in my break unfortunately.

I was looking out for the trainer there who is type1 and super buff! As a type2 I’ve never been able to get any bigger due to diet or maybe just my body won’t ever let me over 54kg and get more muscle?! Who knows?!
Half way through talking I felt really weird... and said I need to sit down I feel weird, he noticed what it could be and I was almost having a hypo. Praise god he has lucazade and so I drank that but he tested me and I was 7 then after the drink I was 10.

why would I have a hypo at 7 ? I didn’t do much exercise at all and yet it seemed to drain my sugars.

was it lack of reserves in me? Why would a type 2 have low blood sugar issues now after being fine at the gym for years on a substantial diet of low carb and lots of protein and fats? What has now triggered me to go low when it’s never been an issue before?

I have so many questions and believe I can beat this and don’t agree with the “you have to take meds”.

what about berbarine? Etc?
Is it ok that I average 10-13? For me high sugars are all ok perhaps ? Was I constantly high but with no symptoms prior to no gym ? I never had issues then !
I'm rather puzzled by your post, so please excuse my meandering thoughts.
You seem to be eating very few calories now, was my first thought - and why the emphasis on sugars? A thousand calories is below maintenance for many people.
Most people eating low carb have protein and fat to keep up their energy levels and maintain their lean mass.
Why did your trainer give you Lucazade when your blood glucose was 7 - it doesn't make sense.
You seem to be used to high blood glucose levels - in double figures isn't good.
Have you ever thought that you might not be type two? Has your doctor ever had checks done on your insulin production?
hi! I got Busy with work and wasn’t going to
The gym so I was eating less. Not On purpose just happened. And so I was checking what I was Eating and most people having a standard breakfast lunch and dinner seem to eat less than 1000 unless they are eating high calorie things which aren’t good for them. So I assessed what I was eating and it was below 1000 which is why my high protein, high fat and low carb normal diet with the gym needed extra snacks to get to 2000-2500 calories. Normally protein shakes with some peanut butter and avocados.

A trainer I spoke to knew I was going into hypo hence giving me the lucazade. It could well be that I had it before the first test and went to 7 then second test up to 10. So I could have been 4 or below.

my muscle Mass has gone down since not training so it would now make sense that my body is lacking the calories and storage of glucose and trying to get from muscles which haven’t enough - probably a shock to the body back at the gym again too

so I think it’s just retraining my body and rebuilding the muscle to get back to where I was a few months ago which had no issues at all

my gp isn’t on top of things as I’d like. I personally don’t think I’m type 1. But that the gym and high fats and protein was sustaining me when training - I have a new blood test Friday though and call with him tomorrow

I'm rather puzzled by your post, so please excuse my meandering thoughts.
You seem to be eating very few calories now, was my first thought - and why the emphasis on sugars? A thousand calories is below maintenance for many people.
Most people eating low carb have protein and fat to keep up their energy levels and maintain their lean mass.
Why did your trainer give you Lucazade when your blood glucose was 7 - it doesn't make sense.
You seem to be used to high blood glucose levels - in double figures isn't good.
Have you ever thought that you might not be type two? Has your doctor ever had checks done on your insulin production?
I'm rather puzzled by your post, so please excuse my meandering thoughts.
You seem to be eating very few calories now, was my first thought - and why the emphasis on sugars? A thousand calories is below maintenance for many people.
Most people eating low carb have protein and fat to keep up their energy levels and maintain their lean mass.
Why did your trainer give you Lucazade when your blood glucose was 7 - it doesn't make sense.
You seem to be used to high blood glucose levels - in double figures isn't good.
Have you ever thought that you might not be type two? Has your doctor ever had checks done on your insulin production?
Also because I never was on meds and was 40-50 hbc1a i was Never told To check my blood sugar levels so for all I know I was high sugars all the time but just doing enough at the gym and with my food to balance
I do not lead an overly active life, so I can eat just twice a day and feel fine.
I tend to eat a salad in the morning, walnuts, coleslaw beetroot celery sweet pepper, onion, cucumber, radishes, a bag of mixed ready made salad, plus eggs and cheese, or meat or fish, then a mug of coffee with cream.
That is enough for the day, then in the evening I have meat, fish, seafood, plus a stir fry, mushrooms, courgette, bean sprouts, sweet pepper, and other low carb veges, sometimes with fruit and cream. I tend to eat frozen berries as there is no waste with them.
Since being diagnosed and going onto low carb I have increased my strength with little effort, but I can now lift the knitting machines again - they were just too heavy after several years eating high carb foods.
I only have low carb bread - Livlife, or protein bread from Asda, and not very often - usually when I have kippers for breakfast. The slices are small, but only 4 gm of carbs.
As a type two you'd not be advised to test, but I found it well worthwhile as I could see when I'd eaten too many carbs, and also see that my levels were going down even after eating the same meal, they sank. Possibly my metabolism has recovered.
So - you went hypo due to the medication you are taking combined with going to the gym?
After eating you can see blood glucose in double figures - what amount of carbs would push you so high? Do you check the carb content of the foods?
Sorry if I am going on but your experience is rather concerning.
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