Frozen shoulder

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone else suffered from a frozen shoulder apparently it is a fairly common complaint when you're diabetic
ive had it, and it comes back every now and then. So painful, I convinced myself one night that I must be having a heart attack or something as had so much pain all down one side of my body.
ive had it, and it comes back every now and then. So painful, I convinced myself one night that I must be having a heart attack or something as had so much pain all down one side of my body.

I have suffered with problems in my left shoulder for many years. dont know if it is connected, again it comes and goes. when I have it, it lasts for days and affects my arm, neck back. I always seem to get when stressed? do you think there is a connection??:confused:
Hi there!

I had a frozen shoulder for quite a long time, and very painful it was too! I had an injection and then when that was unsuccessful, my shoulder was manipulated under anesthestic. This wasn't successful, until quite a while later, we were on holiday, and my husband had to see a private doctor because he was unwell. This doctor specialised in joint problems, My husband mentioned my frozen shoulder, the doctor said he would be able to help me. He did, by injecting my shoulder, it worked a treat. My shoulder has been fine for a number of years. Hurrah!
i have had it onceh ad for a week put on pain killers and was not able to work proper for a while
dads car

i used to laugh at my dad when he took it because he could not drive and i used to get to drive his jag witch used to pee him off .then it happend it is the sorest thing i have ever had i was bad for about 3 month when i got cortazone i think thats how you spell it.its an injection into the shoulder its real sore but well worth it.[and i still would not let my dad drive my car]
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